1. Work at Hobergs seems to have come to a standstill. Scott Schellinger has told us that this is due to the fact that they are still waiting for the new CalWorks grant to be funded. This will enable them to bring back the work force needed to move forward.
2. One immediate consequence of the work stoppage has been that the erosion control plan has not been implemented. Fortunately, we have not had heavy rains for the past month and a half. And it’s also good to know that the soil contamination has been addressed. Even so, we are concerned and urging Hobergs management to address this issue ASAP. I’ve asked if they would be open to a volunteer crew to roll out wattles and stake straw bales.
3. Since the beginning of the year, we have been working to engage the new Director of Environmental Health, Jasjit (Jesse) Kang. Karl met with Jesse and his assistant, Scott James this afternoon to brief them on the history of the project, and its present status. Our goal is to help them become engaged in order to maintain continuity, momentum and accountability.
4. A meeting with Hobergs management, Mr. Kang and Mr. Scott and the Abatement Monitoring committee is scheduled for Feb 21.
5. We remain committed to the project and will do our best to help bring it to a rapid and successful conclusion.

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