Thursday September 16, 2021, at 6:30pm
Online via Zoom and Facebook
1. 6:32 CALL TO ORDER by Chairperson McCarthy
2. Roll Call
Present – Cathy McCarthy: Chairperson, Cindy Leonard: Vice-Chairperson, Frank Lincoln: Treasurer, Chris Nettles: Secretary Joe Schneider – Alternate
Not present
Jake Stickler: Member-at-large
3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Amended Agenda – Item 10D typo correction
Motion to approve amended agenda by Eliot
Seconded by Chris
Unanimously approved
Motion to approve July minutes made by Chris
Seconded by Magdalena V.
Unanimously approved
4. 6:35 Short Announcements
We need a substitute Resource Hub substitute for next 3 Thursdays:
September 23rd, 30th, & October 7th
Please continue to check out ExlporeCobbCA website
5. 6:40 Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins. /individual)
No non-agenda items.
6. 6:45 Treasurer’s Report- Frank
Total Current balance is $15,586.64
General fund: $1,039.81
Blackberry Cobbler Festival $5794.50
Cobb Resilient $1,456.28
Cobb Safe $851.23
Economic Development $1,300.00
Rebuild NorthBay $564.42
T-shirt fundraising $4,272.89
Wilder Than Wild fund $161.31
Broom Busters $146.20
2 Cobbler Festival refund checks still outstanding.
7. 6:48 Grant Awarded:
Cathy announced this award:
“Rebuild NorthBay Foundation (“RNBF”) has awarded a grant in the amount of
$1,815.00 to Cobb Area Council. These funds are intended for the purpose of
supporting the organization’s overhead costs during the Fall of 2021 and Winter of
2022. This grant is made possible through the RiseUp Community Impact Grants
8. 6:50 Supervisor’s Comments- Supervisor Jessica Pyska
1. Power outages – PG&E installed new technology on power lines that cuts power when a tree limb or something falls on a powerline. Jessica is working with them to minimize these outages. They are also doing more vegetation work in the area. Jessica continues to have conversations with PG&G about burying power lines and holding them accountable for their commitments to the community.
2. New Community Development Director hired – Mary Darby will start on Oct 1st.
Welcome to Mary!!
3. 23 COVID deaths – testing & vaccinations van will be in Lake County 5 days a week. Info is on the Lake County website under “COVID information”. Hospitals are still under pressure.
4. Frank Lincoln – appointed to Glennwood Cemetery committee
5. Very happy with the 21-22 Lake County Budget – The county is in the best financial shape in a while. Excited about how this budget will move the county forward.
9. 7:00 Fire Season Update – Chief Paul Duncan
During the last thunderstorm we had 7 confirmed lightening strike with small fires that were quickly contained. Some of those strikes took a couple of days to manifest – called sleepers.
Grant application awarded for masticator & excavator. These will be employed throughout south Lake County on various roads and planned projects. Plan to put into service next year (2022)
Operation Force Multiplier – Handed out extinguishers and tools to public. These are waitlisted others for which we are awaiting more grant funding. Those were also provided to law enforcement as they are often first on the scene. Completely free to residents
Volunteer firefighter applications are available on the South Lake Fire website, as are the waitlist for the tool give-a-ways.
Happy about rain beginning.
Chief Duncan posts social media updates about helicopter activity.
10. 7:05 Committee Reports- (Limit to 3 minutes each)
a. Firewise Communities: Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth,
Glenneth Lambert mentioned recent power outage in his neighborhood. Jones Creek crossing meetings on Zoom continues to meet monthly (see Facebook)
Magdalena Valderrama – Working with Loch Lomond owners association is on firebreak cleanup.
Summit area is currently mapping difficult lots to address
Wendy Collins (and others) are spearheading the No Spark tow chain covers (recycled fire hoses). These are available around the county, including the Cobb Resource Hub, Mendo Mills, ACE in Middletown, and Middletown Farmers Market. Stay tuned for other locations.
Grant application for continued funding of Cobb Resource Hub and renovation work on Little Red School house has been submitted. Expect to hear outcome on this by December.
SSCRA is participating on Best Fit meeting to discuss who is applying for various grants. COCO AIM application for expanding services available at the Cobb Resource Hub.
Homeowner vegetation removal reimbursement grant still has $25000 available. Since last quester 18 new homeowners covered. If you are submitted an application, please complete the work and send the receipts to SSCRA for reimbursement. Still money available for small parcels.
FACnet evacuation planning seminar – Magdalena is sending out a link to that seminar, once it is available.
b. Communications Committee- Mel
Cobb Alert Net continues radio check-ins every Wednesday at 630p.
Radios are always available at the Cobb Resource Hub.
Need volunteers for data entry – if interested, please contact
c. Cobbite of the Year- Selection to be announced at December meeting.
d. Economic Development Committee
Marketing Initiative- Website Chris
New Cobb Area Council website is under construction.
Memorandums of Understanding: Kelseyville Business Association (KBA) and Middletown Area Merchants’ Association (MAMA have been written to cement our collaborative projects. Each association will be receiving $1250 to cover Cobb Businesses’ membership fees and other collaborative activities. We need volunteers from the Cobb Area to work with MAMA & KBA on these collaborative efforts.
11. 7:20 Formation of Budget Committee
Chris Nettles put forth to create a standing budget committee whose chartered purpose is to develop and annual budget. This motion includes Chris Nettles as committee chair and Frank Lincoln as the CAC Board designated member. John Carlisi also volunteered to serve on the committee.
(Motion amended by Glenneth to appoint Chris Nettles as Chair)
Seconded by John Carlisi
Motion approved unanimously
12. 7:25 Formation of Forest Health Committee
Eliot Hurwitz put forth a proposal to create a standing Forest Health Committee. This committee is being form as one of the first actions to come out of the Cobb Resilience strategy (coming soon!). The purpose of the committee is to promote a healthy, safe forest on Cobb Mountain. It will primarily attend to all things related to forest health in our area and create an overall strategy. Eliot will chair the committee. Chris Nettles will serve as CAC board designee
John Carlisi made a motion to approve the proposal as is.
Glenneth Lambert seconded
Motion passed unanimously.
13. 7:30 Date of Next Meeting: October 21, 2021 – Virtual meeting
14. 7:31 Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Chris
Seconded by everyone.
Unanimously approved!
Agenda | October 21, 2021
Thursday October 21, 2021 at 6:30pm
Online via Zoom and Facebook
Draft Agenda
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
4. 6:35 Short Announcements
5. 6:40 Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins./individual)
6. 6:45 Treasurer’s Report- Frank
7. 6:47 Supervisor’s Comments- Jessica Pyska
8. 7:00 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan
9. 7:10 Lars Ewing to hear Public Input County Parks and Trails in the Cobb Area
10. 7:30 Laurel Bard to hear Public Input on CLERC Forest Health Projects
11. 7:50 Committee Reports- (Limit to 3 minutes each)
a. Firewise Communities: Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth,
b. Communications Committee- Mel
c. Cobbite of the Year- Selection to be announced at December meeting/social.
d. Budget Committee
e. Forest Health Committee
f. Economic Development Committee
Marketing Initiative- Website Chris
Memorandums of Understanding: KBA and MAMA
Upcoming Events
12. 8:20 Project: Cobb Beautification – Phase One– Deborah Doran
13. 8:30 Date of Next Meetings:
November 18, 2021 online;
December 16, 2021 social- in person?
14. 8:31 Adjournment