Agenda | Special Meeting – April 24, 2023

Monday April 24, 2023 at 6:00pm
In person only
Agenda (Approved 4-24-2023)

● Roll Call / Pledge
● Approval of Agenda
6:05 Discuss Goals, Strategy, and Budget to be approved at regular Board Meeting on May 18, 2023
● Last Year’s budget/finances
● Priorities raised in the strategic plan
● Priorities for rest of this fiscal year.
● Review committee liaisons, meeting times, fiscal responsibility to report to Cobb Area Council


How to Participate in Cobb Area Council Public Meeting 4/24/2023
1. Join us in person at the Cobb Resource Hub 16595 Suite 104 CA-175


Agenda | April 20, 2023



Thursday April 20, 2023 at 6:30pm

In person and Online via Zoom

Agenda (Approved 4-20-2023)



  • Roll Call / Pledge 
  • Approval of Agenda and Minutes 

6:32 Short Announcements

6:35 Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins./individual) 

6:40 Treasurer’s Report- Chris

6:45 Supervisor’s Comments- Jessica Pyska 

7:00 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan

7:10 Approve/Disapprove contribution of $2000 to Cobb Mountain Lions.

7:15 Approve/Disapprove CAC Sponsorship of Sculpture Jam- Glenneth & Company

7:25 Brief Discussion: how to get broader community participation and input on budget

7:30 Committee Reports (3 minutes/individual) 

Firewise Communities- Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth-/Richie, Gene, David, Laurie

Communications Committee- Darlene 

Budget Committee- Chris, 

Forest Health Committee- Eliot 

Economic Development Committee- Chris

Blackberry Cobbler Festival -Cathy

7:50 Next Meeting: 

  • Date of Next Regular Meetings: May 18, 2023.
  • Date of Next Special Meeting to Discuss Cobb Area Council to discuss Goals, Strategy, and Budget: April 21 or 24

8:07 Adjournment 


How to Participate in Cobb Area Council Public Meeting 4/20/2023

  1. Join us in person at the Little Red Schoolhouse 15780 Bottle Rock Road


  1. There may be occasions when a board/committee member may request and be permitted to participate in a board/committee meeting remotely to the extent authorized by and in compliance with California Assembly Bill  2499.   In such case, the majority of the board/commission will be physically present at the meeting location.  Members of the public may participate in person or via Zoom: 
  1. By Computer Join our Zoom Meeting 

Go to: and enter passcode: 274828

To make a comment or ask a question, use the “Q&A” icon. 

  1. Call into the Zoom meeting on any phone: 

Call (669) 900- 6833 

Enter the Webinar ID: 820 6732 9860 Passcode: 274828


  1. You can follow along via CAC Facebook Livestream: 

Go to: 

We will try to address comments and questions from Facebook but it is best to Zoom for full participation.

Minutes | March 16, 2023



Thursday March 16, 2023 at 6:30pm

In person and Online via Zoom

Minutes (Approved 4-20-2023)





PRESENT: Cathy McCarthy, Jake Strickler, Darlene Warner, Mel McMurrin

ABSENT: Chris Nettles, Joe Schneider



Motion to approve made by Darlene Warner, 2nd by Jake Strickler. All in favor, Agenda approved.


Motion to approve made by Magdelena, 2nd by Robert Stark. All in favor, Minutes approved.


Glenneth Lambert – Sculpture Jam has had 3rd Committee meeting. There will be a main event and kid’s activity. There are 2 potential sites. Need more people on the Committee. Call Glenneth at 707-296-6934 for more info.

Robert Stark – the Lion’s Club had a successful crab feed. Thanks the community for all the support. 500 pounds of crab wasn’t enough. Asked on March 5th to open Lion’s Club/Little Red as a warming shelter. 225 Grab & Go bags were handed out. Had about 172 people come on the 1st day. PG&E finally took the generator back after it ran continuously for 15 days.

Tom Slaight – commented about treatment at Board of Supervisors meetings, and commented on hearing of more single vehicle rollovers and falls with loss of consciousness on the scanner lately.


Cathy McCarthy: Left something off the Agenda. There’s enough money for a new generator for the Lions Club. Will be voted on in April.


Nomination and Election of New Alternate to serve the term (beginning January 2023 and ending December 2023). Darlene Warner nominated Mel McMurrin. Mel present and accepted nomination. Darlene moved to approve Mel as new Alternate, Eliot 2nd. All in favor, Mel McMurrin elected as Alternate to Cobb Area Council.


Treasurer’s Report – Chris (Given by Cathy McCarthy)

Charges in the past 30 days: $500 rent for The Hub; $49 for Zoom Webinar Service

$  5,415.66        General Fund

$14,589.26        Blackberry Cobbler Festival

$     624.62        Cobb Resource Hub

$  2,417.62        Emergency Preparedness Fund

$23,047.16        Operating Funds Balance

$48,082.63        Small Business Loan Fund (Originally from S.F. Home Loan Grant)

$71,129.79        Net Assets

Supervisor’s Comments- Jessica Pyska 

A huge thank you to the Lion’s Club for opening up as a warming center. There is a way for private property owners to report snow damage related to this 2nd Federal Disaster declaration by reporting it to our OES office. Leah is the manager of our OES. You can also visit the County Facebook page and Sheriff’s page. Two CalFire grant applications were submitted this week – RCD for $5M and CLERC for $5M, all for CWPP fire mitigation projects. The Sheriff’s Department and OES is having their Hazard Mitigation meeting in Hidden Valley Lake on the 23rd. The Lake is full! Another County Supervisor is working on creating Bylaws for all Advisory Councils around the Lake/Lake County.

Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan (Given by Battalion Chief Brian York)

With 10 days of snow, and snow down to Lake level, it was a rare time that SLFD utilized it’s SnowCAT and plow equipment to assist in plowing local roads, as County crews were limited to 3 plows and 600 miles of roads throughout the County. A thank you to PCF’s Robert Manning, Mike Hess, and Hunter Duncan at the Cobb Station. Several houses were red-tagged due to tree falls and vehicle damage. CalFire is hiring back firefighters the 1st week of April, with peak staffing mid-May. Operation Force Multiplier will continue this Spring, the program is working.

Presentation – Terre Logsdon, Chief Climate Resiliency Officer, County of Lake

Handed out Survey, presented slide presentation regarding climate impacts on Lake County. Her position is funded by CalOES’s Jump Start Grant that was awarded last July, she was hired in December. She is the Liaison between County Departments, programs, grants, and the community; there are now 20 Climate Resiliency Officers. She will be focusing full-time over the next 5 years on the HMP. The HMP wants to see 10 projects in the County by April 5th. Will work with CLERC to see what more we can do regarding working on evacuation routes for entire County; working with CWPP on how to do evacuation practice runs. Reviewing several funding projects. Lake Tahoe has an excellent program “Tahoe Central Initiative – The Pillars of Resilience” that she would like to use as a framework for Lake County. Each County will be getting a toolkit based on this in September of this year. The CLERC has a Hitch Observation form that can be filled out online.

Letters of Support

Harbin Hot Springs seeking a grant – Chris (Cathy) – deadline has passed, no action taken

Mountain Lions Club seeking multiple grants – Cathy was contacted by Kyle Noble asking for a Letter of Support of the Mountain Lions Club as a “Community Resiliency Center” for the purpose of applying for the available grants. Cathy asks the Board for permission to write an official letter of support. Motion made by Eliot, Magdelena 2nd, all in favor – motion passes.

COMMITTEE REPORTS (3 minutes/individual) 

Firewise Communities – Magdelena – submitted Cobbview and Loch Lomond projects to RCD for consideration for inclusion. Loch Lomond is divided up; grants are not able to take entire number of projects. Attended the 150-year fire trends meeting and report on the Pepperwood Preserve, which focused on the Cobb Area mostly. Would like the presenter to come out here to Cobb area; Mel is a friend of presenter, and will ask.

Communications Committee – Darlene and Mel

Darlene: A lot of testing has been going on at the new “Mountain” location. There are two repeaters currently in use, “Hill” and “Mountain.” Most users are hearing really well on “Mountain.” GMRS users have had their radios reprogrammed to access the “Mountain” repeater. Some areas are not hearing “Mountain” as well as they could hear “Hill” previously. Hoping this will improve with the new Bridgecom repeater arriving towards the end of March. This will require further testing and reprogramming of radios, and hope to have it up and running by July. Check-ins have been about 30 each week. Small radios are available for sale at The Hub.

Terre Logsdon: asked about funding for the repeaters. It was mentioned the new repeater was made possible by a large and very generous donation from a private party. Terre stated there may be funding available specifically for communications and alerts. Sirens used to be in that. Terre believes the funds are within the HMP, with some funds coming from CalFire. She is putting out an email to CalFire heads with related information, having a meeting April 5th. Darlene mentioned she has received calls that the Siren cannot be heard in the Hoberg’s area unless you’re outside. Terre will bring that up to CalFire.

Mel: Expressed excitement for how things are progressing, gave a big thank you to the Prather family, and to Precision Wireless for use of their equipment at Seigler. We need to “wake up” the 250 or so members that we already have, with only 30 or so of them checking in weekly. Talked about how we have a dual tone system, one for day-to-day use and one for emergency alert use.

Budget Committee – Chris (not present) 

Forest Health Committee– Eliot, Robert Thomas

Cobb Mountain Watershed Restoration is underway and having an event at Mandala Springs which will be in-depth education and action. Forest Stewardship Committee in April, May, June looking at 3 other sites along key tributaries managed by Siegler Springs Redevelopment Association. Brought up Robert Thomas to speak regarding the ACI (Air Curtain Incinerator). The ACI is active as of today, 1st time in quite a while. Residential community drop-off days and place(s) needed. People from Clean Burning Company in Napa came to visit and offered pro tips on efficiency and provided demos. Other options include grinding, mulching, bio char, composting. Want ACI’s throughout the County. Need funding.

Economic Development Committee – Cathy

Cobbler Festival Committee – Cathy

Next meeting is April 6th at 5:30pm at Cobb Mountain Pizza

Note of Thanks: Alan Hurwitz Media will no longer be providing audio/video services for CAC meetings. Cathy thanked them for their years of providing their services to CAC. Stated will need to find other audio/video provider, and there may be an option with the County.

Next Regular MeetingThursday, April 20, 2023

TBD: Date of Next Special Meeting to Discuss Cobb Area Council Goals, Strategy, and Budget

ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Eliot to adjourn, 2nd by Magdelena, all in favor, adjourned at 8:05pm