ReBuild Workshop Feb 18, 2017

The Rebuild Advocacy Committee for the Cobb Area Council presents a


on Saturday, February 18, 2017

10 – 2:00 pm

Cobb Elementary School

·       Are you confused or overwhelmed on where to even start?

·       Do you have problems or questions regarding the whole rebuild process?

·       Are you concerned about property values?

·       Are you concerned about the costs or time length to rebuild?

Please bring any and all questions you have regarding the rebuild process.  We will have experts to answer your questions.

 •Local Contractors (Lake County Contractors & Bob Sabatino) • Hammers For Hope (Mark Borghesani) • Cobb Area Water (Robert Stark) • Hope City (Kevin Cox) • Habitat For Humanity (Richard Birk) • Policyholders Recovery (Bob Ellenberg) • Timothy Toye & Associates (Timothy Toye) • Lake County Building Department

 Any questions call Ron Haskett 707-533-9771 or Kathleen Ahart 707-262-2479