Minutes | January 19, 2023



Thursday January 19, 2023 at 6:30pm

In person and online via Zoom and Facebook

MINUTES (Approved)

CALLED TO ORDER at 6:39pm by Chairperson, Cathy McCarthy


Present: Cathy McCarthy, Chairperson; Chris Nettles, Treasurer; Darlene Warner, Secretary; Jake Strickler, Vice-Chairperson

Absent: Joe Schneider, Member-at-Large



Agenda: Strike 7:15pm item, Tourism Ambassador item, from tonight’s agenda, moved to February Agenda.

Chris Nettles moved to approve Agenda with amendment. Magdelena seconded. All in favor. Agenda approved.

Noted that WiFi is not working, so there will be no live broadcast of the meeting, however it is being recorded.

Minutes: Chief Paul Duncan moved to approve December 15, 2022 Minutes with no changes, Chris Nettles seconded, All in Favor. Minutes Approved.


Chair, Cathy McCarthy regarding Cobbite of the Year – Chief Paul Duncan present to receive the award. Slight error with his plaque; will be corrected. Cathy expressed appreciation for Paul’s accessibility and going above and beyond.

Robert Stark, President of the Mountain Lion’s Club – announced the Lion’s Club is having their Crab Feed on March 4th, tickets are available now for $75. Stated they are purchasing 600 pounds of crab at $8.95 per pound. He also mentioned that the Mountain Lion’s Club is the organizational Cobbite of the Year, thank you. Brought a copy of an article in the Record Bee and stated that the Attorney General has settled the lawsuit regarding the Guenoc project, and encouraged everyone to pay attention to it, especially due to fire routing, and as Cobb is Lake County as well.


Eliot Hurwitz – Guenoc footnote – they need to start from the beginning again, resubmitting all environmental documents and public hearings, etc. Cobb Mountain Watershed Education and Restoration Program is able to receive significant funding from PG&E’s Nature Positive Restoration Fund. Looking for 10 to 15 participants who have properties that border Kelsey Creek, Alder Creek, and Cole Creek. On 1-28-23 there will be an introductory workshop with lunch provided. There will be 4 weekend sessions. They are working in close cooperation with the Pomo Tribes.

Glenneth Lambert – Sculpture Jam. Glenneth is putting together a team that will meet two weekends where basic art materials and lunch will be provided to create sculpture to be placed around Cobb. A handout was presented and passed out.

Inez – Neighborhood Watch. Signs are up. Was able to get rid of three squatters behind The Hub, and one in a car. She has Neighborhood Watch stickers available.


Vacant Regular Seat, 1-Year:

There is one vacant regular seat for the remainder of the term January 2022 to December 2023, which is for one year. Nominations taken, can self-nominate. Chair, Cathy McCarthy introduced Darlene Warner as the new Chairperson of the Communications Committee, and nominated Darlene Warner to be on the Council for the regular seat for a 1-year term ending December 2023.

Chair, Cathy McCarthy motioned to elect Darlene Warner, Chris Nettles seconded.

Discussion of the Bylaws regarding meeting attendance. Darlene has not attended in-person meetings, but has watched them via Facebook for two years. There is a requirement of 2 in-person meetings. Supervisor Jessica Pyska stated that the purpose of the Bylaw is to ensure participation. Jessica asked Darlene how long she had chaired the Communications Committee, and how long she had been with the committee. Jessica was satisfied that the participation requirement was filled. There were no other nominations.

A vote was taken. Unanimous. Darlene Warner was seated immediately.

Vacant Alternate Seat 1-Year:

There is one vacant alternate seat for a 1-Year term. Will address at next Council meeting.

Councilmember’s Roles on the Board:

Chris Nettles nominated Cathy McCarthy as Chairperson. Darlene Seconded. Cathy accepted.

Cathy McCarthy nominated Chris Nettles as Treasurer. Darlene Seconded. Chris accepted.

Chris Nettles nominated Darlene Warner as Secretary. Cathy Seconded. Darlene accepted.

Chris Nettles nominates Jake Strickler as Vice-Chairperson. Cathy Seconded. Jake accepted.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Chris Nettles, Treasurer

Thank you to Frank and Laurie (past Treasurers), they have been very helpful with the transition. There are no changes from the last report, we are still in the black! The T-Shirt fund will be combined with the General Fund.

General Fund                                        $   2,860.77

Blackberry Cobbler Festival                  $ 14,998.25

Cobb Resource Hub                              $   1,124.62

Emergency Preparedness                       $   2,417.62

T‐shirt sales                                          $   2,603.89


Total assets:    $ 24,005.15


SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS – Jessica Pyska, County Supervisor, District 5

Missed November 2022 Council Meeting – was at a conference.

Missed December 2022 Council Meeting – was at a Christmas performance at Cobb School

As of the morning of January 19, 2023, Clearlake was at 4 Rumsey, rainfall is at 52.7 inches

There are new faces to Lake County for 2023:

Tax Collector, Patrick Sullivan

Auditor/Controller, Geneveve Harrington

Sheriff, Rob Howe

County Supervisor, District 4 (Lakeport), Michael Green

Tree Mortality: Spoke with Cal OES, received the bad news that we will no longer be getting the CalFire 25% match due to the State deficit. Jessica has spoken with Congressman Mike Thompson, and has engaged with a contractor. This is a $10-12M project in which we would now have to cover 25%.

Bottlerock Corridor: training still going on, Hogback crew is working under CLERC. Able to cut down approximately 500 trees in the Fox Drive area.

LIDAR (Fuel Mapping) funding: used $5K to engage grant writers. Submitted to the USGS and Department of Conservation. Both are funding, so we have $650K project 100% funded. There will be fly-overs in 2023. On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 around 9:20-9:30am there will be a Board of Supervisor’s meeting addressing Fire Severity Maps. Basically the entire County is red. Chief Paul Duncan commented that you must be there in-person to give input and that it’s comment only. OES is working on updating it’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. Had Disaster Council Meeting on January 19, 2023 – there have been two public meetings already, Hidden Valley’s meeting is coming up.

We now have a Climate Resiliency Officer. CA State Emergency is ending in February, in-person meetings to resume.


Sworn in January 2, 2023. Is a local, grew up in Lake County, lives in Lakeport, has two children who are away at college. He has 20 years in Law Enforcement with the Lake County Sheriff’s Department – as a Corrections Officer, Sergeant, Patrol, Lieutenant, and as Chief Probation Officer for 10 years. This includes 20 years of SWAT team experience, 15 years as a Defense Tactics Instructor, and 10-15 years as an Active Shooter Instructor.

Glenneth had a question regarding CERT team, Sheriff to follow-up.

FIRE SEASON UPDATE – Chief, Paul Duncan

Commented on how much he appreciated Sheriff Rob Howe’s demeanor and calmness during the atmospheric river storms. Loves the rain we’ve been getting. At base staffing level. Have a fuels engine at Kelsey-Cobb Station. Gave reminder that we see many trees and power lines down during storms – assume power lines are live until proven dead. Don’t put a generator in your house; a couple people perished in a home in Sea Ranch due to this. If you see a tree with no bark on it, stay away from it when the wind is blowing. Oak trees look like a bush when first coming up; you can speed up the growth process by trimming the main stem and cutting suckers at the bottom. The LIDAR/Fire Severity mapping is not supposed to be used for insurance ratings. We have a masticator and excavator that CalTrans has been using South of Middletown for roadside clearing, as we don’t have the staffing at this time; it’s eligible to be used all up and down the 175 corridor. Boggs Forest is closed to cars, but the parking lot is still open. There are a lot of trees down, and the bathroom lost half it’s roof. Jessica mentioned the Friends of Boggs Forest will have a cleanup day on January 28, 2023, chainsaws only on certain days.

Jake Strickler asked Chief Paul Duncan if the Fire Severity map would restrict future building. Paul said no, it is for fire use only.

Tom: Highway 175 is overgrown in the Summit area. South Lake/Middletown fuel break.

Chief Wink was promoted to Division Chief and is now at St. Helena headquarters.



2023 Cobbler Festival – Cathy McCarthy: First meeting for the 2023 Cobbler Festival will be held on January 26, 2023 at 5:30pm. Will need a lot of help this year, to consider outsourcing. Cathy to contact Pam at Mountain Meadow venue.

Firewise Communities:

  • Magdelena – the SSCRA and SS Redevelopment Association will have a kickoff meeting on January 21, 2023 from 10am to 3pm. There will be another meeting two weeks later on a Saturday. There will be a total of 3 meetings: 1st one focused on strategy and deadlines, 2nd/3rd meetings on forest stewardship and forest health. These meetings will coordinate projects for both organizations; we are by ourselves and need funding. We need to learn more about wildfire behavior and wildfire history in this area.
  • Glenneth – Jones Creek renewed, now in good standing as of a week ago. Neighborhood needs help. Cathy will be helping.

Communications Committee – Darlene Warner

Jessica requested Darlene explain to Sheriff Rob Howe what Cobb Alert Net is. Darlene described the radio network, how it works, and it’s purpose – expressing a desire to work with the Sheriff in this area. Tom had a question for Darlene regarding whether the current repeater is being kept and where the new repeater location will be. Darlene said we are keeping the current repeater, it will be a redundancy to any new repeater. Currently looking at Seigler Mountain for new repeater location, but many technical things to consider and work out yet. Tom also asked about a County-wide radio system; Darlene described how Cobb Alert Net is confined to Cobb area, but there is a repeater on Mt. Konocti that is more of a County-wide radio group. Cathy commented about the radio network being more formalized, Eliot mentioned proper radio protocol, and Magdelena mentioned the forming of a North County area net.

Budget Committee – Chris Nettles

Talked of training of Councilmembers on the Brown Act and Roberts Rules of Order [note: we don’t use Roberts Rules, consult County Counsel] by having a public Board Retreat/Workshop. Suggested discussing priorities of the Board, and that this will be on a future Agenda. Proposes promoting Cobb Area via Explore Cobb Facebook page, etc. and noted this usually falls under Economic Development

Forest Health Committee – Eliot Hurwitz

The air curtain incinerator has room. It can take slash and brush, but doesn’t do well with logs. Eliot has talked with the Wheelan folks regarding how to dispose of logs so we can recycle back out to the forest, such as biomass/bio char, a valuable compostable material. A bag of bio char was passed around the room. Robert Thomas has a Hugo Culture demonstration set up at the air curtain burner, it shows a way of recycling excess fuels to promote health of the forest. Beyond fire prevention, looking at promoting the health of the forest altogether, looking at getting a wood shredder in the coming year. Thinking of doing a Cobb symposium in the Spring.

Economic Development Committee – Joe Schneider (not present)


AB361 Consideration – Consideration of the findings required by AB-361 to allow teleconferenced meetings by this body to continue (AB-361 Brown Act and Virtual Meetings)

Date of next regular meeting: February 16, 2023


Minutes | August 18, 2022



Thursday August 18, 2022, at 6:30pm

In person and online via Zoom and Facebook

Draft Minutes



By chair Cathy McCarthy

Roll Call

Present – Cathy McCarthy: Chairperson, Chris Nettles: Secretary, – Frank Lincoln: Treasurer

Not present, Jake Strickler: Member-at-large, Cindy Leonard: Vice-Chairperson. Joe Schneider: Alternate


Approval of Agenda and Minutes

Motion to approve current agenda:

Frank moved to approve the August 18, 2022, agenda with no changes

Chris seconded

Passed unanimously


Motion to approve past meeting minutes:

Frank moved to approve July 2022 minutes with no changes

Chris seconded

Passed unanimously


AB 361 Brown Act and Virtual Meetings-

Consideration of the Findings Required by AB 361 to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings by this Body to Continue

Motion made by Chris to continue Zoom, Facebook (hybrid) meetings by the Cobb Area Council for September 2022.

Frank seconded

No discussion

Passed unanimously


6:35 Short Announcements

Still looking for Cobbler Festival volunteers – send Message to CAC Facebook page if interested. Shout out to Laurie Lincoln

Glenneth Lambert. – Sculpture Jam will be delayed until next year.

Offering Clay classes – if interested, reach out on (707) 295-6934


Cobbler contest – question about what is acceptable. Must be Cobbler & Must be made from blackberries.



6:40 Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins. /individual)

Tom Slaight – Tom delivered a letter to Supervisor Pyska regarding Lake County Board of Supervisor disrespectful treatment of citizen comments.



6:50 Treasurer’s Report- Frank


General Fund: $3359.44

Blackberry Cobbler Festival: $7105.11

Cobb Resource Hub: $1173.21

Emergency Preparedness: $2417.62

T‐shirt sales: $2603.89

Total assets: $16, 659.27


6:55 Supervisor’s Comments- Supv. Jessica Pyska

Climate Resiliency Officer job ad was released by the county – go to the county website if interested.

Tree mortality: PG&E has cut down over 3200 trees in the last couple of months. CLERC has reallocated some of their Fire Protection funds to Fox Dr. neighborhood. Spoke with Sen. McGuire regarding Tree Mortality/beetle kill 2 weeks ago one-on-one. Several big grant opportunities county is working on. In equity around rural counties not being able to compete effectively on certain grant opportunities. Discussing how to level the playing field.

Jessica mentioned that at the state level, they are noticing what we are doing here in Lake County, and she recognized the work that everyone in Cobb is doing on the fire prevention, forest health, and disaster mitigating fronts.

Mentioned large $22M home hardening project funded by FEMA with matching fund from CalOES.hardening 500 homes in 3 years.

Met with Napa and Mendocino supervisor regarding Tree Mortality, building a regional coalition. Declaring emergency using the Lake County template. Also pulling together task forces in their counties. Lake Co continue to remove hazard teres around our roadways and infrastructure.

Resource Conservation District (RCD) and Fire Safe Councils (FSC) are the avenues where the state funnels money for fire protection. We are not strong in either institution. We don’t have a county-wide FSC. RCD has lost a director and board members they are recruiting and there is a set open for L.C. District 1 and At-large/. Jessica ais looking for someone to be on that board.

Projections are that the drought will continue. Remember that Cobb is at the top of several watersheds. Even though there is still much water up here, there needs to be enough to flow downstream. Keep conserving.

District 4 LC Board of Supervisors, Tina Scott, resigned. Rest of the board is stretched thin. Governor will appoint. If you know anyone in District 4 who can run/apply, please encourage them. There is an application on the Governor’s website. Jessica picked up the Diversity Equity and Inclusion meeting. Public forums will start in the winter on Health Equity, Race & Law Enforcement, Education. Great opportunities for the public to contribute

Community Development Director quit.  Maria Turner will be interim director. Recruitment for the new director continues.

New Climate Officer will be responsible for creating a Climate Action Plan.


7:10 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan

Clarified that there are 3 separate programs PG&E is running now:

Hazard tree mitigation

Enhanced vegetation clearance

Normal maintenance

May look intense.

One of our helicopters is being maintained in Sacramento and will return.

2nd crew put in place at Konocti, 31 engines, 6 dozers.

Konocti lookout is not closed. Volunteers are not allowed to be in the tower because it is unsafe. Will fix it after a structural survey

Operation Force Multiplier continues. Handed out of all equipment (Fire extinguisher and McCleod tool). Tools have been used to extinguish 7 fire events. Program will continue next year.

Helipod program: a tank that stays full – portable tank. This is really helpful during this drought. Fire Sirens donated fund to purchase two – $70K

Copters close the ground don’t necessarily mean a fire – may be identifying water sources.

Goats cleared Pine Summit – Tommy the Goat Guy is available for large lot clearing

Reminder: Do not use a metal blade mower for grass – only string weed trimmers.



Committee Reports (3 minutes/individual)

Firewise Communities:


General state of Firewise communities – we are growing. Loch Lomond has applied and is waiting. Brings Firewise associations to six in the Cobb area.

Had a special meeting to consider Community Wildfire Defense Grant released by US Forest Service. Which non-profit will take the lead? Many opportunities for funding here. Collecting project ideas to include in a grant application. May require matching (in-kind is possible).

County has released the plan for Community Wildfire Protection Plan public input process. Sept – government leaders. October 7th – general public input. Need CWPP for access to grant programs

Cindy – not present

Glenneth – No update for Jones Creek Firewise. PG&E working in neighborhood with undergrounding projects.

Gene – No update

David – No update

Laurie – No update

Communications Committee- Mel

Cobb Alert Net is having 30-40 check-in, about half of last year.

Loch Lomond group is taking off

Watch Duty while good, not as fast, or personal as the Cobb Alert net

Find out more at cobbalert.net or email questions to cobbalertnet@gmail.com

Radios are available at the Cobb Resource Hub

Budget Committee- Chris

Will begin meetings next month

Forest Health Committee- Eliot

Work on ACI continues – MOU signed, Checklist for use is being developed

Next meeting 9/2 at 4p

Moving forward on the Cobb Mountain Watershed Education Program

Economic Development Committee- Joe

Joe not present – no meeting during August

Need liaisons to from Cobb to Middletown Merchants Association or Kelseyville Business associate

Cobbler Festival 2022- Cindy/Cathy

Multiple vendors and other big announcements about the 2022 Cobbler Festival. 59 booths to come visit, August 27th

Blackberry Harvest Diner on 8/26

Sat night Mandala Springs 8/27

Sunday morning hike with Friends of Boggs Mountain 8/28

Pine Grove events on Sunday evening 8/28


Date of Next Regular Meeting: September 15, 2022

Adjournment at 7:57pm

Agenda | September 15, 2022



Thursday August 18, 2022 at 6:30pm

In person and online via Zoom and Facebook

Draft Agenda



 Roll Call

 Approval of Agenda and Minutes

AB 361 Brown Act and Virtual Meetings-  

  1. Consideration of the Findings Required by AB 361 to Allow Teleconferenced

Meetings by this Body to Continue

 6:35 Short Announcements

 6:40 Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins./individual)

 6:45 Treasurer’s Report- Frank

 6:50 Supervisor’s Comments- Jessica Pyska

 7:05 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan

 7:10 Committee Reports (3 minutes/individual)

Firewise Communities: Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth, Gene, David, Laurie

Communications Committee- Mel 

Budget Committee- Chris

Forest Health Committee- Eliot

Economic Development Committee- Joe

KBA and MAMA- 

Cobbler Festival 2022- Cindy/Cathy

 7:40 Date of Next Regular Meetings: September 15, 2022

 7:41 Adjournment


How to Participate in Cobb Area Council Online Public Meeting 08/18/2022


Join us in person at the Little Red Schoolhouse 15780 Bottle Rock Road

By Computer Join our Zoom Meeting

 Go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84982968469 and enter passcode: 737694

 To make a comment or ask a question, use the “Q&A” icon.


 Call into the Zoom meeting on any phone:

Call (669) 900- 6833

Enter the Webinar ID:  849 8296 8469 Passcode: 737694


 Follow along via CAC Facebook Livestream:

Go to: https://www.facebook.com/CobbAreaCouncil

To make a comment or ask a question, use the Facebook comments section.