Minutes- March 18, 2021

COBB AREA COUNCIL ONLINE PUBLIC MEETING Thursday March 18, 2021 at 6:30pm
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Watch the recording on Facebook: https://fb.watch/4oV6YOnL-Q/
1) CALL TO ORDER – Cindy called the meeting to order at 6:33p
Present -, Cindy: Vice-Chairperson, Frank: Treasurer, Chris: Secretary, Dottie: Alternate
Not present – Cathy: Chairperson; Jake: Member-at-large,
Motion to adopt Agenda with correction to next meeting time (4/15/2021) -Chris Second – Eliot
Motion carries
Motion to accept minutes from February meeting made by – Eliot
Second – Chris Motion carries
(a) Cindy – We are in 3rd week of in-person school at the Elementary School
(b) Glenneth – will be start clay classes – 6 week classes – call Glenneth 295-6934
(c) Magdalena – SSCRA rummage sale for Fire preparedness in April, May & June in
Cobb Village (Timothy Toye Real Estate office parking area)
(d) CalTrans update – later in this meeting
5) PUBLIC AND BOARD COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (3 mins./individual) a) Cindy – Reported on current and upcoming Water projects. (see Appendix A)
6) DISTRICT 5 SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS – Supervisor Jessica Pyska
a) Risk Reduction Authority – Organizing a full strategy for all these organizations. Having
a Community Mitigation Assistance Team help with this in May. County-wide strategy
workshop. Reach out to Supv. Pyska if interested in participating in these efforts.
b) Reorganizing FireSafe council to do outreach and manage neighborhood FireSafe
Councils. Anyone interested in serving on this committee email Supv. Pyska
c) Backlog on permit applications in Community Development – if haven’t heard back
reach out to Pyska.
d) Her email Jessica.Pyska@lakecounty.gov
Total Current balance is $16,357.66
General fund: $1,057.81
Blackberry Cobbler Festival $6,316.53 Cobb Resilient $1,456.28
Cobb Safe $851.23
Economic Development $1,300 Rebuild NorthBay $564.42
T-shirt fundraising $4,503.89
Wilder Than Wild fund $161.31
Broom Busters $146.20
a) Firewise Committee – Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth.
i) Laurel Bard – Civics Sparks Fellow – Americorps program California specific intended to benefit local committees RRA & Resource Conservation District (1) Working on Committee wildfire protection plan gathering information from
community advisory boards.
ii) Magdalena – Welcomes CLERC to grant programs. Coordinating efforts between
organizations. $4 million grant received for Forest Health
(1) SSCRA is applying for another Fire Prevention Grant. Money from CLERC will
address forest land. Shaded fuel brake work will require discussion with property owners. Regional Watershed Research Training Center – working on additional funding (7 year term). Write your state representatives about releasing and maintaining this funding. Continuing education events April 17th 10a-2p rummage sale at Timmothy Toye RE. May 29th rummage sale at Loch Lomand Fire Dept
(2) Fire Wise communities 5th Gene Yoon has gotten 35 individuals participating.
(3) Reimbursed 85 out of 119 acres 33 left to reimburse on homeowner grant
(4) Lake County PBA has formed.
iii) Cindy – Completed successful 2 community work days on March 6th & 13t funded by CalPine. Newsletter send to LISTOS & CA Firesafe council
(1) Broom management. Cut the broom in bloom!
(2) May reinstate community greenwaste bin. $24/day $834.00 total. Has to be
supervised because mistakes can cause the entire bin to be sent to landfill instead of composting.
b) Communications Committee- Mel
Cavern: Radios are available at the Cobb Resource Hub. To get a CAVERN ID cavern.mobi/ID. Get a programmed radio or advice text/call Mel (415)302-6896
c) BylawsCommittee-Chris
This revision of the C.A.C. Bylaws was to accomplish 4 goals:
i) Clean up any ambiguous language.
ii) Make the election, terms, and structure of the C.A.C. Board clearer (added
the Alternate seat).
iii) Added a section on how to deal with mid-term vacancies.
iv) Added language for the creation and oversight of committees.
Suggestions for additional changes: No additional suggestions.
Motion made by Chris –
To officially adopt this version of the Revised C.A.C. Bylaws Seconded by Glenneth
Motion carries
Draft of Revised Bylaws in Appendix A of these notes (Below)
Next month, we will bring the current committees into compliance with the new bylaws.
d) Cobbite of the Year – No report
e) Economic Development Committee
(a) Loan Program $37,000 – Looking for business to loan this money to.
(b) Broadband study – LCBS to do a pilot of wireless broadband in summit.
(c) AHEAD Grant Update- Eliot
1. CommunityResilienceandDevelopmentStrategy-Eliot
2) This is the first public review draft of this Strategy; available here:


3) Please return any comments, suggestions, etc. by April 15, 2021 to Eliot Hurwitz at elioth@sscra.org
4) We recognize that this is a substantial text. Therefore, we suggest that you at least read through the opening sections. This will give you a sense of the “big picture” painted in the document.
Next please read through any sections of your personal interest and expertise.
You will see that significant work remains to be done on this document The current version is just a DRAFT and your comments are important.
Thank you for all of your comments and suggestions.
(d) Collaborative Marketing Initiative- Cindy
(i) ExploreCobbCa website – adding more photos (ii)Tshirts
(iii) Ordered craft paper business cards. Ordered stickers for Explore Cobb. Both should be available first week of March.
(e) Cobb Merchants Association- Cathy
i. Looking into steps for starting the CMA.
ii. Intend to start a separate organization similar to MAMA.
9) 2021 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan a) Delivery of Helicopters
12) 13)
b) Thanks for Broombuster events
c) Staffingupfireseason–staffinguptopeakb/cofyear2ofdrought
d) Anderson March fire – Yet low intensity therapeutic fire. Suspect arson
Summary of discussion with the Dept of Transportation/CalTrans re: upcoming project on 175.
a) Very appreciative of Cobb Area Council – revisited plan based on CAC feedback
b) Modifications – 1 way, controlled traffic, across creek. 24 hour, 7 days per week. During
wet season will restore traffic flow both ways.
c) WillreturntoupdateCobbAreaCouncilforMaymeeting
CAC website and mailing list – Discuss proposals to update the CAC website See Appendix C for proposals.
Voting at April 15th meeting.
Date of Next Meeting: April 15, 2021
Motion to adjourn made by Magdelna Second by Eliot
Motion passes
Adjourned at 8:47pm
Special thanks to Tom Stiles for managing Zoom and recording meeting and to Glenneth Lambert for monitoring Facebook feed of meeting.
Appendix A. Planned Cobb Area Water Projects 2020 -2025
Current projects
Summit – finished but still waiting to get funding to pay the contractor due to state red tape Hill 9 and 10 / Branding Iron – almost done March 22
Next run of projects
Starview – (oak street area) rebuild of trench’s from 2019 flooding (FEMA funding) this summer Mt Hannah – rebuild will go out to bid in August (I hope) for a April 2022 start
Pine View Heights – (Entrance, Quail, Dove, Evergreen, to Forestry Road) will go out to bid in August (I hope) for a April 2022 start
Alpine Meadows – I hope this project will get done in 2022 but I have my doubts but 2023 for sure.
Pine Grove / Cobb Mountain Water- We are hoping to start the CEQA process and design is close to being finished CEQA will control that date. This main will extend from the water office to Madrone in Gordon Springs tie in at Rainbow and rebuild the surrounding area (Pine, Rainbow, Madrone, Maple, Upper Rainbow, Mesa) We are shooting for 2023 start date this is a complicated project with small roads and huge rocks. The extension of the water main to tie in Cobb Mountain Water at Madrone has added a little complicity to the project but it will be the only way to qualify that part of the system for grant funds some day, so for now we will tie them in at madrone and Bottlerock. I wish this project could happen sooner for your area these projects were lined out by the engineers report and the need of the water system.
Kelsey Creek crossing – Caltrans is in the drivers seat here we will have to wait for the new bridge on 175 for this project. this will increase the main size for better fire flow in the Estates, Pine Grove, Gordon Springs.
Hill 9 and 10 / Branding Iron Phase 2 maybe 2023 but in reality 2024
Tank rebuilds 6 of 10 2025
Starview rebuild ( Summit, Mapes, Gifford area) 2024
Bonanza Rebuild (Shenandoah, Loch Lomond Road, Forest Oak, possibly another tank ) 2025
All of this can change that’s 1 thing I am learning I have been working on this since January of 2016. In reality there might be a few gaps in all of this. There is an unseen future to funding and they will be reinventing the wheel on this too, with covid and funding becoming even harder to obtain it’s hard to gauge these things. The current projects show the delays and wholes in the process, the Rainbow bridge and the Hill 9 and 10/ BI project was 2 years behind schedule before it was finished, the Summit project I started that in January of 2016 we did the work and its finished it was February of this year before the State gave us access to the funds.
I hope this helps and was not too extensive. We have a lot of projects we are trying to get done and when we finish we are going to have to start over and rebuild what didn’t get rebuilt. There will be fire hydrants every 500 feet or less in all of this.
Appendix B: C.A.C Bylaws Adopted During March18, 2021 Meeting
Draft Bylaws Proposed February 18, 2021
Adopted at March 18, 2021 meeting
Cobb Area Council (C.A.C.)
A Municipal Advisory Committee
ARTICLE 1: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The name of the organization shall be the Cobb Area Council. It is a Municipal Advisory Council hereinafter referred to as C.A.C.. The elected Board of Directors for C.A.C. will hereinafter be referred to as the C.A.C. Board. Members in attendance at C.A.C. meetings will hereinafter be referred to as the Assembly.
Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of C.A.C. is to increase the participation of the Cobb area residents in the decision-making processes that affect their community. The C.A.C. Board will serve as the official local community representatives to work with the Lake County Board of Supervisors or other entities and agencies to provide grassroots input, direction , and guidance on issues related to the unincorporated area of the county defined by the C.A.C. Area Map, attached to these Bylaws as Exhibit A. These issues include, but are not limited to, matters of public health, safety, welfare, public works, planning, and land use.
ARTICLE 2: Conduct of Proceedings
All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Rosenberg’s Rules of Order, except when those rules conflict with the provisions of these bylaws.
ARTICLE 3: Membership
All C.A.C. meetings are open to the public and there are no membership requirements for
those wishing to participate. However, in order to vote in any election or action taken by C.A.C., persons must reside within the boundaries of the C.A.C. map. No voting by proxy shall be permitted.
ARTICLE 4: Election of Governing C.A.C. Board, Terms of Office and Duties
Section 1: C.A.C. Board of Directors
During the November meeting of each year, the Assembly shall elect to fill, by majority vote, a Board of Directors of five (5) members, any vacancies as determined
in Section 2 (C.A.C. Board of Directors Terms of Office) each of whom is must be registered to vote in Lake County, has attended four (4) meetings in the prior year and whose primary residence is in the C.A.C. area. All elected directors shall be recommended to the Board of Supervisors for appointment beginning January of the following year. Nominees must be present at the election meeting. No more than one immediate family member may be elected or appointed to serve on the C.A.C. Board at the same time.
Section 2: C.A.C. Board of Directors Terms of Office
The C.A.C. Board shall consist of five (5) regular members and one alternate member. The term for C.A.C. Directors shall be two (2) years. No more than one immediate family member may be elected or appointed to serve on the governing board at the same time. Regular members’ terms of office shall be staggered and determined by the table below:
Seat #1 (Odd year)
Seat #2 (Even year)
Seat #3 (Odd year)
Seat #4 (Even year)
Seat #5 (Odd year)
Alternate seat. One (1) year
Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years
Section 3: C.A.C Board Structure and Officer Duties
Officers will be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. There will also be one Member-at-Large. In January of each year or the meeting following a vacancy, the C.A.C. Board of Directors will hold a roll call election from its regular members immediately following the appointment of new directors to select the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
The duties of the officers are as follows:
Chairperson: Shall preside at all meetings and shall be responsible for conducting all meetings in an orderly manner. The Chairperson or his/her designee shall decide all questions of order raised by any member. The Chairperson shall set the agenda for each meeting based on submission of agenda items from any C.A.C. member. The Chairperson or his/her designee shall represent C.A.C. to the Lake County Board of Supervisors or other entities. The Chairperson shall also perform other duties as requested by the C.A.C. Board.
Vice-chairperson: Shall perform all the duties and assume all the responsibilities of the Chairperson in his or her absence. The Vice-chairperson shall also perform other duties as requested by the C.A.C. Board.
Secretary: Shall act as custodian of the records of C.A.C. The Secretary will take and keep the minutes of the meetings of C.A.C. and prepare summary written minutes of each meeting to be presented at the subsequent meeting for acceptance by the
C.A.C. Board. In addition, the Secretary shall accept submissions of agenda items for the group’s consideration. The Secretary also prepares and distributes the agenda for all meetings. The Secretary shall also prepare and distribute public notices of all regular general and special meetings.
Treasurer: Shall maintain financial records of the C.A.C. and, at the direction of the C.A.C. Board, manage the disbursement of funds in cooperation with the controller of the County of Lake, if necessary. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to the C.A.C. Board regularly.
Section 4: Replacement Removal of C.A.C. Board Member
The members of the C.A.C. may direct the replacement of a governing C.A.C. Board member for any of the following reasons:
 Three (3) consecutive unexcused absences, or five (5) absences in a twelve (12) month period
 Any serious misconduct including, but not limited to, criminal conviction, use of slurs or derogatory comments, or any other conduct, whether physical, verbal or written, directed at or based upon another persons’ race, color, origin, sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or age.
 If the member no longer lives in the Cobb C.A.C. area
 Failure to represent the majority consensus of C.A.C. to the Lake County Board of
Supervisors or other entities or agencies.
If there is a grievance against a C.A.C. Board member, the individual making the complaint shall notify the Chairperson/Vice Chairperson in writing of the alleged offense. The Chairperson/Vice Chairperson will notify the C.A.C. Board of the complaint and outline the alleged offense in writing within 48 hours of receipt. The C.A.C. Board member has one month to respond in writing to the complaint.
Upon receipt of a written response, the Chairperson/Vice Chairperson may appoint an ad-hoc ethics committee to hear the complaint or refer it to the entire C.A.C. Board for determination.
If action is taken to remove a C.A.C. Board member, the C.A.C. Board member must be sent notice by certified letter stating that they are no longer a member of the C.A.C. Board and the Lake County Board of supervisors must be notified of the removal.
Section 5: Vacancies:
In the event a C.A.C. Board seat becomes vacant in accordance with Section 4 (Removal of C.A.C. Board Member), due to resignation, or for any other reason, the Alternate shall immediately assume the vacant seat and serve the remainder of the
term for the vacated seat. At the first meeting following vacancy, the C.A.C. Board will accept nominations for a new Alternate. Any nominee must be present to be elected. The Assembly will elect a new Alternate, by majority vote, who will serve for the remainder of the year. If necessary, elections for C.A.C. board officers may also occur at this meeting. All changes to C.A.C. board membership shall be transmitted to the County Board of Supervisors for appropriate appointments.
ARTICLE 5: Quorum, Voting, Meetings
At least three (3) regular voting members of the C.A.C. Board shall constitute a quorum. A
quorum must be present at all general meetings other than workshops.
 No motion may be approved without an affirmative vote of voting a majority vote of the
Assembly present.
 All meetings of the C.A.C. Board shall be open to the public and shall be subject to all of the requirements of the Brown Act, Government Code Sections 54960 et seq.
* Opportunities must be provided for public comment and stated as such on the meeting agenda.
*Regular General monthly meetings shall be held at a time and place determined by the C.A.C. Board.
 Notices shall be required of all general, special, and committee meetings, and the notice/agenda shall be posted at the Cobb and Loch Lomond post offices, and at Hardester’s Market in Cobb, via the C.A.C. email list, and posted on the C.A.C. website. the Cobb Elementary School, Loch Lomond Roadhouse/Dino’s Deli and the Lake County Courthouse. Notice shall be made a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meetings and shall specify time and place of the meeting. In the event of a change in the meeting time or place, appropriate and timely notices shall be provided to the public and the C.A.C. Board.
 Draft and approved minutes shall be posted on the C.A.C website.
* A special meeting may be requested at any time by the Chairperson or C.A.C. Board
 Notices and agendas of special meetings shall be provided at least 72 hours in advance and posted at the same locations described above.
* The C.A.C. Board members shall seek to determine the opinion of the majority of members of the Assembly in attendance on each agenda item other than approval of the minutes. This may be done by a show of hands or other informal method as determined by the Chairperson.
* Formal action on agenda items must be taken by the C.A.C. Board. Recommendations to the Lake County Board of Supervisors or any other entity based on action by the C.A.C. Board shall include their reasons for making the recommendation and also the opinion expressed by the members of the Assembly in attendance. If the C.A.C. Board does not agree with the opinion of the majority of the Assembly, the recommendation shall also express the opinion of the majority and why the C.A.C. Board did not agree.
ARTICLE 6: Committees

 Motions creating a committee shall contain the purpose of the committee. 
 
Removal of C.A.C.
 A committee meeting quorum will consist of the chairperson and at least one (1) C.A.C Board member.
 Committees shall post meeting times, agendas, and minutes in accordance with Article 5: Quorum, Voting, Meetings.
 The chairperson of each committee (or their designee) shall provide a report on committee activities at each general C.A.C. meeting.
 Committee decisions requiring expenditure of C.A.C funds must be submitted as a C.A.C. agenda item, then approved by a motion during general C.A.C meetings.
 
ARTICLE 6 7: Compensation
C.A.C. Board members are volunteers and shall serve without compensation of any kind. The
C.A.C. Board or its individual members shall incur no debt or obligation on behalf of C.A.C..
Continuing or Ad-hoc committees may be established by a motion to the Assembly
presented at a general meeting.
Each committee shall have a Committee Chairperson elected by a majority of the
Assembly, at the time of its creation or when a vacancy arises. The Committee
Chairperson may or may not be a C.A.C. Board member. In the event the Committee
Chairperson is not a C.A.C. Board member, one C.A.C. Board member will be
assigned to work with the committee by the C.A.C Chairperson.
The names, purposes, and Chairpersons of all committees shall be posted on the
C.A.C. website.
Any resident of the Cobb Area (as determined by Article 3: Membership) may
participate in committee meetings and decisions, with the exception of an ad-hoc
Ethics Committee created in accordance with Article 4, Section 4 (
Board Member).
Continuing committees may be modified or discontinued by a motion to the Assembly
during general meetings.
Ad-hoc committees will cease to operate at the time indicated in the original motion
unless a new motion is adopted at a general C.A.C. meeting.
C.A.C. shall not be responsible for any liability of the C.A.C. Board or its individual members.
ARTICLE 7 8: Amendments
Proposed amendments to these bylaws may be made by a quorum of the C.A.C. Board, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment has been presented in written form no less than one (1) meeting in advance of the time that a proposed amendment is to be voted on.
Last version adopted: July 25, 2016
Appendix C: Cobb Area Council – New Website Proposals & Questions
The Project
I’ve got a great idea to rebuild and relaunch the CAC website. I built The Lake County Bloom, a complex site. I also designed and built the website for the (now closed) Roadhouse, which is almost identical to the request from the CAC. I understand how to create sites that are both useful and attractive. If my bid is accepted, I will have a functional website available within two weeks.
I have experience writing copy, and all editing and revision associated with the site are included in the bid. If there is any new copy to be written, my standard rate is .50/word.
Newsletter / Mailing List
The Bloom runs its weekly newsletter through Mailchimp, and I’m comfortable with its functionality and can design something simple, useful, attractive, and compliant.
Pre-COVID, The Bloom regularly had 300-500 events posted at a time in our calendars. It’s a simple process to set up a high-functioning, easy to understand calendar for the CAC.
Social Network / Video Integration
I created something similar for The Roadhouse and know several options to create an attractive, easy-to- use integration of social media and video.
Depending on the CAC’s preference, there are multiple ways to allow for posts, articles, and links to be shared that are uncomplicated, efficient, and attractive.
Infrastructure / Maintenance
I will use WordPress for the infrastructure which is easy to learn, use, and is extremely adaptable. I will provide training on how to maintain the site and regular support for the first three months, then provide periodic check-ins for the first year.
I will design several versions of a logo for you to choose.
1. Build Cost: $1,250
2. Logo Design: $250
3. Plugins and Themes for the site:
a. Theme Cost: $59-99/yr
b. EventOn Calendar: $25/yr
c. Facebook Feed on WordPress: $16-$49/yr
d. Mailchimp integration: Free to $9.99/month
e. Video integration: Free to $29/yr
f. Security Plugin: $59
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $1,500, Plus an additional $159 to $381 per year cost for plugins.
onathan at Neur LLC <jonathan@neurdesigns.com> Tue, Mar 16, 6:40 AM (2 days ago)
to me
This is Jonathan with Neur, a custom website design and WordPress development agency near Chicago. I saw your RFP post for a new website and decided to reach out. I didn’t see an email of where to send the RFP so I’m sending it here, finding your gmail on your Facebook page.
I’ve analyzed your current website and RFP and am excited to submit our proposal for web design and development, attached to this message.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns and we can schedule a time to speak.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jonathan Szewczyk
444 E. Roosevelt Rd. #264 Lombard, IL 60148
(630) 557-NEUR
George Woodard III <george@elsqrd.com> Tue, Mar 16, 8:03 AM (2 days ago)
Good Morning,
I hope all is well and you are staying safe.
I’m reaching out about the CAC’s Website Update RFP listed here: https://cobbareacouncil.org/rfp-cac- website-update/
I’ve reviewed the material on the page and while comprehensive there are a few questions I have:

• Is this opportunity still available? I know the deadline is open until filled, but I try not to assume
• Would your team do more of the content’s rewriting, and our responsibility would be helping you
organize said content?
• I see the current website is built on WordPress. Are you open to sticking with that system? My
team has extensive experience building simplified solutions using WordPress, so it’ll be a breeze
to use.
• How many people would need admin access to the website?
• So we know if we are the right fit for you and are the right fit for us, what is the budget for
accomplishing your need? My team and I can do the logo and website redesign, considering the
logo/branding, website maintenance, and hosting for one year.
• Are you ok with us providing hosting for the website? We have experience in hosting high traffic
municipal websites on Amazon AWS Cloud Servers so that you would have 99.99% standard
• Are there any current branding guidelines for the new logo or an existing draft logo? We will
provide a corporate brand guide with the redesign, but curious to know if there is a starting point
at the moment (it’s ok if there is not).
• Not a question, but I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy in this crazy time.
Those are all of the questions I have for now. Once I get your response (and pending if the opportunity is still available), I will send over my proposal. Thanks for your consideration and time!
With appreciation,
George Woodard
Client Happiness Manager & Sr. Front End Developer
eLsqrd Media Group
https://www.elsqrd.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/ghwoodard
I just saw CAC’s call for a web designer. I am very interested. When I worked in LA, I was an award winning, professional graphic designer, which included logo design, ads, brochures and, yes, web design. Thing is, because I’ve been focused on getting my Master Degrees and building my art studio, I’ve let my technical knowledge slip a bit, but the design and organization skills are still top notch. The programs I used to create past websites are no longer around (they’ve been replaced by much simpler apps). If I should win this bid, however, getting back up to technical speed would not be a problem.
What excites the most about this gig is the actual maintaining of it, of updating info and writing/editing a news letter (I have lots of ideas for this.)
So, here’s my question.
1) Are you looking for someone who has ALL the knowledge to do this NOW or is the council willing to work with someone who’s design skills are current but will need a bit of time (about a month) to catch up on the technical?
2) when is the due date for the bids?
3) When were you hoping to get started on this? Now? Spring? Summer?
Any info you can share would be wonderful.
Christina Bougas
Website & Logo Design Proposal
January 15, 2021
Prepared for
Cobb Area Council
Prepared by
KL Design Solution 951.215.9060 info@kldesignsolutions.com KLDesignSolutions.com
Letter of Submittal
Cobb Area Council Board of Directors,
Thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal in response to Cobb Area Council’s search for an agency partner to redesign and develop the organization’s logo and website. With many agencies offering website development services, we know how challenging it can be to nd the right agency for your web development needs.
At KL Design Solution, we hold one goal above all others: 100% client satisfaction. We uphold the highest standards for project planning and execution, and we’re dedicated to building the perfect website for your company on-time and on-budget.
In this proposal, you’ll nd examples of our past work along with what we feel is the optimal solution for your website development needs, along with the associated delivery timeline, costs, and project terms.
We look forward to further discussing the project and answering any questions you may have.
Thank you again for the opportunity to earn your business!
Kim Lewis
KL Design Solution 951.215.9060 info@kldesignsolutions.com
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Project Objective
The project objective is to design a responsive, ADA compliant website to support your digital growth strategy. This website will allow you to expose your brand to organic audiences via search engines, leverage digital advertising to boost lead generation, and deploy content marketing to build brand awareness and authority. The Cobb Area Council website will be modern and user-friendly with rich content and imagery. The website will be responsive to allow content adaptability across multiple platforms and devices (i.e. phones, tablets, etc.).
A well-planned and clear scope of work is crucial for great results. With both sides understanding the details of the project, proposed timeline and list of deliverables, we will be able to work together smoothly and eciently.
Project Assumptions
• Client will be available for meetings and conference calls as needed.
• Based on the requirements, KL Design Solution will recommend an effective site
• Client will pay hosting company directly for hosting package, domain name and
SSL certicate fees and annual renewals
• Client will provide approval and adhere to the project timeline.
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Solution Outline
KL Design Solution will build the website using WordPress. WordPress powers nearly one-third of the world’s websites, from small personal blogs to the complex sites of major corporations.
Wordpress will allow you to do the following once your website is launched:
• Easily update page content and images
• Integrate with analytics software to track page and site performance
• Post new content
The website will feature:
• About CAC
• Agenda & Meeting Minutes
• Reports
• Grants
• Newsletter/Mailing List Sign-Up (May be integrated with MailChimp or Constant
• Event Calendar
• Facebook Feed Integration
• Zoom Meeting Integration
• Media/News
• Resources
• Contact Us Form
• Website Analytics
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Our Development Process
We take a structured approach to web design. Our development process was created to ensure every project is delivered on-time and on-budget. Once your web design project kicks off, here’s what to expect:
Initial Planning
The rst order of business is to sit down with your team and create a detailed set of design and technical specications. These specications serve as a road map for the rest of the web design process. This is fully customizable and can be updated, changed or edited at any point in the process.
Wireframes are your rst chance to visualize your website. While they’re not nearly as detailed as the nal site will be, they give you a visual representation of the site’s overall layout.
Once all site wireframes are completed and approved, we’ll proceed with site mockups. These add color and a bit more detail to the initial wireframes, giving us a stronger visual representation of the nal product.
Copy & Graphics
Once we’ve agreed on a nal design based on the mockups, our team will proceed with development. This involves you providing us with any graphics and copy you would like to include on the site. Graphics would include specic images. Conceptual design for graphics and copy content can be developed by KL Design Solutions with creative direction provided by Cobb Area Council. Photography and video production is not included in this estimate.
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
At the same time, we’ll kick off the technical side of the web design process. This will include creating your custom theme and page designs, and setting up your website’s analytics.
Once the site has been developed, we will get to work testing your site’s performance and reliability. We’ll use various tools to benchmark your site for loading, responsiveness, and speed, while also ensuring that it works reliably on all web browsers and mobile devices.
Deployment & Optimization
Once we’re sure that your site is ready to be released to the public, we’ll deploy it on your public domain.
Recent Projects
http://explorecobbca.com/ https://www.middletownareamerchants.com/ https://resafelake.org/ https://www.twinpine.com https://www.valleyoaksdevelopment.com https://www.lcrai.org http://www.lakecountywineries.org http://www.lopezjumpers.com http://www.vote4moke.com http://www.jessicapyskaforsupervisord5.com
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Some of our Clients…
KL Design Solution is located in beautiful Lake County and has a proven track record of working with many local businesses and organizations within the county. We believe our experience and expertise along with our familiarity of the local area and demographics has earned us a loyal client base.
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Project Timeline
The table below represents the projected timeline for your web development project.
Strategic Planning
Web Design
Technical Implementation/Content Loading Launch
Estimated Project Completion
1-2 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 2-3 Weeks 1 Week 7-10 Weeks
Disclaimer: The timeframe in the table above are estimates based on our experience with similar website development projects. While we strive to accurately estimate project timelines in every proposal, we reserve the right to move delivery dates in response to unforeseen delays or changes to project requirements.
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Project Costs
The table below details the costs associated with this project.
Website Design & Development Logo Design
$3,495.00 $75.00
$3,570.00 $3,570.00
Terms: 30% initial deposit, 30% upon design approval, 40% balance upon launch.
Optional Services
Graphic Design Services (rate per hour)
• Digital Ad Design
• Website Banners
• Social Media Banners
• Flyers
• Posters
• Brochures
• Marketing Collateral
• Promo Items
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Terms of Agreement
1. Authorization
Cobb Area Council is engaging KL Design Solution, as an independent contractor for the Cobb Area Council website and logo design, development and deployment.
2. Payment
Fees to KL Design Solution are due in accordance with the above listed pricing table.
3. Completion
KL Design Solution, and Cobb Area Council must work together to complete the project in a timely manner. KL Design Solution agrees to work expeditiously to complete the project within the timeframe notated above.
4. Assignment of Project
KL Design Solution reserves the right to assign subcontractors to this project to insure the right t for the job as well as on-time completion.
5. Revision During Execution
Cobb Area Council may be charged additional fees if it decides to make changes to the agreed upon project scope and objectives.
6. Legal & License
KL Design Solution warrants that the functionality contained in this project will
meet Cobb Area Council requirements and that the operation will be reasonably error-free.
The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the project is with Cobb Area Council. In no event will KL Design Solution be liable to Cobb Area Council or any third party for any damages, including any lost prots, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate the website, even if KL Design Solution has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
7. Copyrights & Trademarks
Cobb Area Council represents to KL Design Solution and unconditionally guarantees that any elements furnished to KL Design Solution. for inclusion in the project are owned by Cobb Area Council, or that Cobb Area Council has permission from the rightful owner to use each of these elements, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend KL Design Solution and its subcontractors from any claim or suit arising from the use of such elements furnished
by Cobb Area Council.
8. Copyright to Project
KL Design Solution guarantees that all aspects of design and construction of the project will be disclosed to Cobb Area Council upon completion, and full code, copyrights and ownership will be the sole property of Cobb Area Council. KL Design Solution retains the right to display graphics and other design elements as examples of its work in its portfolio.
9. Sole Agreement
The agreement contained in this Contract constitutes the sole agreement between KL Design Solution and Cobb Area
Council regarding this project. Any additional work not specied in this contract must be authorized by a written change order. All prices specied in this contract will be honored for three (3) months after both parties sign this contract. Continued services after that time will require a new agreement.
10. Initial Payment & Refund Policy
If Cobb Area Council halts work and applies for a refund within 4 days, work completed shall be billed at the hourly rate of $75.00, and deducted from the initial payment, the balance of which shall be returned to Cobb Area Council. If, at the time of the request for refund, work has been completed beyond the amount covered by the initial payment, Cobb Area Council shall be liable to pay for all work completed at the hourly rate stated above.
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Sign _______________________________________
Sign _______________________________________ Date _______________________
Authorized Representative Cobb Area Council
01 / 15 / 2021
Date _______________________
Kim Lewis
KL Design Solution
KL Design Solutions | www.kldesignsolutions.com | 951.215.9060 | info@kldesignsolutions.com
Appendix D: Zoom Chat Log
19:01:46 From Noriko Kawamoto to All panelists : What is a shaded fuel break?
19:02:48 From Eliot Hurwitz to Everyone : removal of ground brush and “ladder fuels” – branches up to 10 ft
19:06:45 From Gene Yoon to All panelists : hi Laurel – sorry I was viewing on FB. please email me at gene@ginsudo.com
19:17:00 From Gene Yoon to Everyone : about 35 or so
19:17:16 From Gene Yoon to Everyone : board is formed. we’re drafting our action plan next 19:21:04 From Tom Stiles to All panelists : FB comments from Rich……
19:22:17 From Eliot Hurwitz to Tom Stiles(Direct Message) : Dottie is now online – you can promote her to panelist
19:30:24 From Glenneth Lambert to All panelists : GREAT idea
19:32:55 From Eliot Hurwitz to Everyone : I’d be happy to pitch in a portion of the $800 for a pickup load or two of green waste
19:55:52 From dottie to Everyone : looking forward to reading it Eliot!
20:18:41 From Gene Yoon to All panelists : yes! absolutely amazing vision Eliot, thank you! 20:25:15 From Tom Stiles to Eliot Hurwitz(Direct Message) : Nice work congratulations! 20:40:42 From Gene Yoon to All panelists : hey Cindy – sorry, I missed the meeting about the actual RFP that went out, but if it was similar to the suggested material I sent you, I would be happy to interview the qualified respondent(s) you select, and evaluate how well they match the requirements.
20:41:06 From dottie to Everyone : Cindy the total said $1500 at the bottom of the document I believe I caught there.
20:44:30 From Gene Yoon to All panelists : (it’s not a scraper/bot, it’s a random opportunist. I did anti-fraud at Google, I can recognize this kind of thing on sight 🙂
20:45:59 From dottie to Everyone : I’d love to look the proposals over if possible. mrsdottiebates@gmail.com
20:46:17 From Gene Yoon to All panelists : np! will follow up with cindy by email

Agenda | March 18, 2021

Thursday March 18, 2021 at 6:30pm

Participate Online via Zoom and Facebook

Draft Agenda

Roll Call:
Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Short Announcements
Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins./individual)
Supervisor’s Comments- Jessica Pyska
Treasurer’s Report- Frank
Committee Reports
Firewise Communities: Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth,
Communications Committee- Mel
Bylaws Committee- Chris Vote on proposed changes to bylaws, available to view here: http://cobbareacouncil.org/minutes-february-18-2021/
Cobbite of the Year- Cathy
Economic Development Committee
AHEAD Grant Update- Eliot
Community Resilience and Development Strategy- Eliot
1. This is the first public review draft of this Strategy; available here: https://cobbareacouncil.org/ahead-grant/
2. Please return any comments, suggestions, etc. by April 15, 2021 to Eliot Hurwitz at elioth@sscra.org
3. We recognize that this is a substantial text. Therefore, we suggest that you at least read through the opening sections. This will give you a sense of the “big picture” painted in the document.
4. Next please read through any sections of your personal interest and expertise.
5. You will see that significant work remains to be done on this document -the current version is just a DRAFT and your comments are important.
6. Thank you for all of your comments and suggestions.

Collaborative Marketing Initiative- Cindy
Cobb Merchants Association- Cathy
2021 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan
Summary of discussion with the Dept of Transportation/CalTrans re: upcoming project on 175.
CAC website and mailing list – Discuss/Vote on Proposal to update the CAC website,
Date of Next Meeting: March 18, 2021

How to Participate in Cobb Area Council Online Public Meeting 03/18/2021

By Computer Join our Zoom Meeting
Go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87697778480 and enter passcode: 721002
To make a comment or ask a question, use the “Q&A” icon.

Call into the Zoom meeting on any phone:
Call (669) 900- 6833
Enter the Webinar ID: 876 9777 8480 Passcode:721002

Follow along via CAC Facebook Livestream:
Go to: https://www.facebook.com/CobbAreaCouncil
To make a comment or ask a question, use the Facebook comments section.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “Cobb Area Council” group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to cobb-area-council+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/cobb-area-council/CAK3i%2B7aj2Dqntc8Nq1Ug9LTasX04QLd1G%2BKHsEuZfw9SutLsHA%40mail.gmail.com.

Minutes- February 18, 2021

COBB AREA COUNCIL ONLINE PUBLIC MEETING Thursday February 18, 2021 at 6:30pm
PARTICIPATE online via ZOOM or Facebook
Draft Regular Meeting Minutes Snowstorm Edition
1. CALL TO ORDER – Chairperson Cathy called the meeting to order at 6:39p
2. Roll Call
Present – Cathy: Chairperson, Cindy: Vice-Chairperson, Frank: Treasurer, Chris: Secretary, Jake: Member-at-large,
Not present – Dottie: Alternate
3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Motion to adopt Agenda Made by – Chris Second – Cindy
Motion carries
Motion to accept minutes from January meeting made by -Cindy
Second – Gleneth Motion carries
4. Short Announcements Cindy mentioned:
a. Fundraiser for Boggs Trail rebuilding on Outride fund. All donations are doubled : Visit their website; https://boggsmountain.org
b. Shout out to Tammy Alakszay at North Coast Opportunities provided money for the Warming Center generator fuel at Little Red Schoolhouse (Cobb Mountain Lions) – $300. (Grant from PG&E for propane for weather emergencies)
Glenneth mentioned:
Jones Creek Crossing Zoom Meeting next Thursday (2/25/2020) for information visit
their web page: https://sites.google.com/view/jones-creek-crossing-firewise- /home
Cathy mentioned:
Cobb Mountain Lions holding annual Crab Feed. This time it is a drive-through
event on March 5th. Orders must be placed in advance;
  1. Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins./individual)
    1. Hilary-AskedaboutAT&Ttowerlostduringsnowstorm.Supv.Pyskasaid- Power was restored after 2 weeks. The generator ran out of fuel & roads were unpassable. Pyska and others orking with the company on these issues.
    2. Illuminations Technology (see C.A.C. minutes from 1/21/21 meeting) presenting to Lake County Board of Supervisors in March.
  2. Treasurer’s Report- Frank current total balance is $16,338.66 General fund: $1,060.00
    Blackberry Cobbler Festival $6,316.53 (not including +$5k from CalPine discussed below)
    Cobb Resilient $1,456.28
    Cobb Safe $851.23
    Economic Development $1,300 Rebuild NorthBay $689.42 T-shirt fundraising $4,503.89 Wilder Than Wild fund $161.31
  3. Committee Reports
    •   Firewise Communities- Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth.
      $5k Broombuster event donation from Calpine Corp. All of Southlake Fire District. Events in Middletown (3/27) & Cobb (TBA). Clearing event will occur throughout the month and will have an award program for homeowners who are clearing broom and vegetation. Also will be a newsletter coming out. Capstone of the month-long effort will be a drive-through event. More to come! Look for the newsletter.
      There are two other community cleanup days that Jessica is organizing: Pulling manzanita, and putting in a firebreak in Pine Summit.
    •   Communications Committee- Mel
      Reported on Cavern: Very active during snowstorm. Member who had a tree fall on house used their radio to request help. Also saved a dog during the storm. Radios are available at the Cobb Resource Hub. To get a CAVERN ID cavern.mobi/ID. Get a programmed radio or advice text/call Mel (415)302-6896
    •   Bylaws Committee- Chris
      This revision of the C.A.C. Bylaws was to accomplish 4 goals:
  1. Cleanupanyambiguouslanguage.
  2. Maketheelection,terms,andstructureoftheC.A.C.Boardclearer(added
    the Alternate seat).
  3. Addedasectiononhowtodealwithmid-termvacancies.
  4. Addedlanguageforthecreationandoversightofcommittees.
    At our March meeting, we can discuss any additional suggestions and vote on adoption of the revised Bylaws

Motion made by Chris –
To officially submit this version of the Revised C.A.C. Bylaws into the minutes for any comments or suggestions. Suggestions and Comments can be sent to Chris Nettles – cdnettles@gmail.com
Seconded by John Carlisi
Motion carries
Draft of Revised Bylaws in Appendix A of these notes (Below)

  •   Cobbite of the Year- Cathy Nothing to report
  •   Economic Development Committee

o AHEAD Grant Update- Eliot
Continue to make progress toward strategy document No changes to accounting
o Collaborative Marketing Initiative- Cindy

  1. Orderedcraftpaperbusinesscards.OrderedstickersforExplore
    Cobb. Both should be available first week of March.
  2. Discussing a map of Cobb at Economic Dev meeting. Rose who did blackberry festival, and other local graphic work.
    Estimate $200-$250 for artwork
    Printing & layout – Kim Lewis $100
    Die cut Accent printing in Santa Rosa (setting up die is the big expense) for 1000 is $700-$800.
    May wait to pursue this until post-pandemic as business environment is unstable right now.

o Cobb Merchants Association
Looking into steps for starting the CMA.
Intend to starting a separate organization similar to MAMA.
8. 2021 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan Winter Storm Edition
Paul Duncan: Fire & Ice Report – Cobbagedon 2021 – Activated equipment for snow removal, etc. Things went well, overall. If anyone is stranded, they should call 911

from their cell. If they call 911, it will locate them via GPS. Bottlerock was severely impacted by down trees. AT&T needs better backup power for their tower. Jessica & Brian Martin got a portable town put into place. Masticator available for projects.
Jessica asked about a community burn pile (1-2 day burn). Paul is working on making this a reality.
Paul also answered questions about lot clearing.
Southlake Fire Council chipping: http://southlakefiresafecouncil.org/chipping.html
CAC website and mailing list – Request for Proposals to update the website.
CAC request for proposal being listed on the CAC website.
RFP for the new website will be sent via C.A.C. mailing list and will be posted on the current C.A.C. website
Supervisor’s Comments – Supervisor Jessica Pyska
b. c. d. e.
Updates from storm & AT&T tower. A few hundred people were without power for 4 days. Lake County didn’t end up having to call for mutual aid – so wasn’t technically considered a “disaster”.
PG&E donated many items to the community. PG&E had to call for resources around the country to help get everyone back up and running.
Cobb Mountain Lions Club provided a Warming Center – served 84 people during the snow event.
Question about hazardous vegetation abatement enforcement – Code enforcement is overwhelmed with other issues. Supv. Jessica is working on this issue
Risk Reduction Authority – Cross-organizational effort intended to address all risks in the county. Trying to get structures in place to make this effort more successful.
f. Lake County Prescribed Burn Association forming – announcement for information contact –
g. Missing child update (
h. Working on Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COAD).:

Member Agencies

Frank acknowledged Supv. Pyska’s efforts during the storm.

12 year old Austin Maloney). He was found in good health!!
during an evacuation. Acknowledged community concerns about wildfire evacuation during construction. Working to address them.
Cathy reported on CalTrans response about community concerns with bridge construction
  1. Date of Next Meeting: March 18, 2021
  2. Adjournment at 8pm
Motion to adjourn made by Chris Second by Cindy
Motion passes
Adjourned at 8:00pm
Appendix A. Draft C.A.C Bylaws for Adoption During March18, 2021 Meeting
Questions Comments or Suggestions can be sent to Chris Nettles ‐ cdnettles@gmail.com
Draft Bylaws Proposed February 18, 2021
Planned adpotion at March 18, 2021 meeting
ARTICLE 1: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
Cobb Area Council (C.A.C.)
A Municipal Advisory Committee
The name of the organization shall be the Cobb Area Council. It is a Municipal Advisory Council hereinafter referred to as C.A.C.. The elected Board of Directors for C.A.C. will hereinafter be referred to as the C.A.C. Board. Members in attendance at C.A.C. meetings will hereinafter be referred to as the Assembly.
Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of C.A.C. is to increase the participation of the Cobb area residents in the decision‐making processes that affect their community. The C.A.C. Board will serve as the official local community representatives to work with the Lake County Board of Supervisors or other entities and agencies to provide grassroots input, direction , and guidance on issues related to the unincorporated area of the county defined by the C.A.C. Area Map, attached to these Bylaws as Exhibit A. These issues include, but are not limited to, matters of public health, safety, welfare, public works, planning, and land use.
ARTICLE 2: Conduct of Proceedings
All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Rosenberg’s Rules of Order, except when those rules conflict with the provisions of these bylaws.
ARTICLE 3: Membership
All C.A.C. meetings are open to the public and there are no membership requirements for those wishing to participate. However, in order to vote in any election or action taken by C.A.C., persons must reside within the boundaries of the C.A.C. map. No voting by proxy shall be permitted.
ARTICLE 4: Election of Governing C.A.C. Board, Terms of Office and Duties
Section 1: C.A.C. Board of Directors
During the November meeting of each year, the Assembly shall elect to fill, by majority vote, a Board of Directors of five (5) members, any vacancies as determined in Section 2 (C.A.C. Board of Directors Terms of Office) each of whom is must be registered to vote in Lake County, has attended four (4) meetings in the prior year and whose primary residence is in
the C.A.C. area. All elected directors shall be recommended to the Board of Supervisors for appointment beginning January of the following year. Nominees must be present at the election meeting. No more than one immediate family member may be elected or appointed to serve on the C.A.C. Board at the same time.
Section 2: C.A.C. Board of Directors Terms of Office
The C.A.C. Board shall consist of five (5) regular members and one alternate member. The term for C.A.C. Directors shall be two (2) years. No more than one immediate family member may be elected or appointed to serve on the governing board at the same time. Regular members’ terms of office shall be staggered and determined by the table below:
Seat #1 (Odd year) Seat #2 (Even year) Seat #3 (Odd year) Seat #4 (Even year) Seat #5 (Odd year) Alternate seat.
Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years One (1) year
Section 3: C.A.C Board Structure and Officer Duties
Officers will be a Chairperson, Vice‐Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. There will also be one Member‐at‐Large. In January of each year or the meeting following a vacancy, the C.A.C. Board of Directors will hold a roll call election from its regular members immediately following the appointment of new directors to select the Chairperson, Vice‐Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
The duties of the officers are as follows:
Chairperson: Shall preside at all meetings and shall be responsible for conducting all meetings in an orderly manner. The Chairperson or his/her designee shall decide all questions of order raised by any member. The Chairperson shall set the agenda for each meeting based on submission of agenda items from any C.A.C. member. The Chairperson or his/her designee shall represent C.A.C. to the Lake County Board of Supervisors or other entities. The Chairperson shall also perform other duties as requested by the C.A.C. Board.
Vice‐chairperson: Shall perform all the duties and assume all the responsibilities of the Chairperson in his or her absence. The Vice‐chairperson shall also perform other duties as requested by the C.A.C. Board.
Secretary: Shall act as custodian of the records of C.A.C. The Secretary will take and keep the minutes of the meetings of C.A.C. and prepare summary written minutes of each meeting to be presented at the subsequent meeting for acceptance by the C.A.C. Board. In addition, the Secretary shall accept submissions of agenda items for the group’s consideration. The
Secretary also prepares and distributes the agenda for all meetings. The Secretary shall also prepare and distribute public notices of all regular general and special meetings.
Treasurer: Shall maintain financial records of the C.A.C. and, at the direction of the C.A.C. Board, manage the disbursement of funds in cooperation with the controller of the County of Lake, if necessary. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to the C.A.C. Board regularly.
Section 4: Replacement Removal of C.A.C. Board Member
The members of the C.A.C. may direct the replacement of a governing C.A.C. Board member for any of the following reasons:

  •   Three (3) consecutive unexcused absences, or five (5) absences in a twelve (12) month period
  •   Any serious misconduct including, but not limited to, criminal conviction, use of slurs or derogatory comments, or any other conduct, whether physical, verbal or written, directed at or based upon another persons’ race, color, origin, sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or age.
  •   If the member no longer lives in the Cobb C.A.C. area
  •   Failure to represent the majority consensus of C.A.C. to the Lake County Board of
    Supervisors or other entities or agencies.
    If there is a grievance against a C.A.C. Board member, the individual making the complaint shall notify the Chairperson/Vice Chairperson in writing of the alleged offense. The Chairperson/Vice Chairperson will notify the C.A.C. Board of the complaint and outline the alleged offense in writing within 48 hours of receipt. The C.A.C. Board member has one month to respond in writing to the complaint.
    Upon receipt of a written response, the Chairperson/Vice Chairperson may appoint an ad‐hoc ethics committee to hear the complaint or refer it to the entire C.A.C. Board for determination.
    If action is taken to remove a C.A.C. Board member, the C.A.C. Board member must be sent notice by certified letter stating that they are no longer a member of the C.A.C. Board and the Lake County Board of supervisors must be notified of the removal.
    Section 5: Vacancies:
    In the event a C.A.C. Board seat becomes vacant in accordance with Section 4 (Removal of C.A.C. Board Member), due to resignation, or for any other reason, the Alternate shall immediately assume the vacant seat and serve the remainder of the term for the vacated seat. At the first meeting following vacancy, the C.A.C. Board will accept nominations for a new Alternate. Any nominee must be present to be elected. The Assembly will elect a new
Alternate, by majority vote, who will serve for the remainder of the year. If necessary, elections for C.A.C. board officers may also occur at this meeting. All changes to C.A.C. board membership shall be transmitted to the County Board of Supervisors for appropriate appointments.
ARTICLE 5: Quorum, Voting, Meetings
At least three (3) regular voting members of the C.A.C. Board shall constitute a quorum. A quorum must be present at all general meetings other than workshops.

  •   No motion may be approved without an affirmative vote of voting a majority vote of the Assembly present.
  •   All meetings of the C.A.C. Board shall be open to the public and shall be subject to all of the requirements of the Brown Act, Government Code Sections 54960 et seq.
* Opportunities must be provided for public comment and stated as such on the meeting agenda. *Regular General monthly meetings shall be held at a time and place determined by the C.A.C. Board.

  •   Notices shall be required of all general, special, and committee meetings, and the notice/agenda shall be posted at the Cobb and Loch Lomond post offices, and at Hardester’s Market in Cobb, via the C.A.C. email list, and posted on the C.A.C. website. the Cobb Elementary School, Loch Lomond Roadhouse/Dino’s Deli and the Lake County Courthouse. Notice shall be made a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meetings and shall specify time and place of the meeting. In the event of a change in the meeting time or place, appropriate and timely notices shall be provided to the public and the C.A.C. Board.
  •   Draft and approved minutes shall be posted on the C.A.C website.
    * A special meeting may be requested at any time by the Chairperson or C.A.C. Board member

 Notices and agendas of special meetings shall be provided at least 72 hours in advance and posted at the same locations described above.
* The C.A.C. Board members shall seek to determine the opinion of the majority of members of the Assembly in attendance on each agenda item other than approval of the minutes. This may be done by a show of hands or other informal method as determined by the Chairperson.
* Formal action on agenda items must be taken by the C.A.C. Board. Recommendations to the Lake County Board of Supervisors or any other entity based on action by the C.A.C. Board shall include their reasons for making the recommendation and also the opinion expressed by the members of the Assembly in attendance. If the C.A.C. Board does not agree with the opinion of the majority of

the Assembly, the recommendation shall also express the opinion of the majority and why the C.A.C. Board did not agree.
ARTICLE 6: Committees

  •   Motions creating a committee shall contain the purpose of the committee. 
     
    Removal of C.A.C. Board Member).
  •   A committee meeting quorum will consist of the chairperson and at least one (1) C.A.C Board member.
  •   Committees shall post meeting times, agendas, and minutes in accordance with Article 5: Quorum, Voting, Meetings.
  •   The chairperson of each committee (or their designee) shall provide a report on committee activities at each general C.A.C. meeting.
  •   Committee decisions requiring expenditure of C.A.C funds must be submitted as a C.A.C. agenda item, then approved by a motion during general C.A.C meetings.
     
    ARTICLE 6 7: Compensation
    C.A.C. Board members are volunteers and shall serve without compensation of any kind. The C.A.C. Board or its individual members shall incur no debt or obligation on behalf of C.A.C.. C.A.C. shall not be responsible for any liability of the C.A.C. Board or its individual members.
    ARTICLE 7 8: Amendments
Continuing or Ad‐hoc committees may be established by a motion to the Assembly presented
at a general meeting.
Each committee shall have a Committee Chairperson elected by a majority of the Assembly, at
the time of its creation or when a vacancy arises. The Committee Chairperson may or may not
be a C.A.C. Board member. In the event the Committee Chairperson is not a C.A.C. Board
member, one C.A.C. Board member will be assigned to work with the committee by the C.A.C
The names, purposes, and Chairpersons of all committees shall be posted on the C.A.C.
Any resident of the Cobb Area (as determined by Article 3: Membership) may participate in
committee meetings and decisions, with the exception of an ad‐hoc Ethics Committee
created in accordance with Article 4, Section 4 (
Continuing committees may be modified or discontinued by a motion to the Assembly during
general meetings.
Ad‐hoc committees will cease to operate at the time indicated in the original motion unless a
new motion is adopted at a general C.A.C. meeting.
Proposed amendments to these bylaws may be made by a quorum of the C.A.C. Board, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment has been presented in written form no less than one (1) meeting in advance of the time that a proposed amendment is to be voted on.
Last version adopted: July 25, 2016
Appendix B: Zoom Chat Log from Cobb Area Council Meeting 2/18/2021 From Cindy Leonard to Everyone: 06:44 PM
Outride fundraiser for Boggs Forest fundraiser: https://www.classy.org/fundraiser/3121076 From Tom Stiles to Everyone: 06:51 PM
We are Live on Facebook now
From Deb Helleren and Mel McMurrin to Everyone: 07:03 PM
get a CAVERN ID cavern.mobi/ID. Get a programmed radio or advice text call Mel (415)302‐6896
From Hilary DuBois / Herb Wise Therapeutics to Everyone: 07:03 PM
yay for the little dog
From Glenneth Lambert to Everyone: 07:21 PM
unless they have our CAVERN radios ..
From Deb Helleren and Mel McMurrin to Everyone: 07:22 PM
Is masticator a fancy chipper?
From Hilary DuBois / Herb Wise Therapeutics to Everyone: 07:24 PM
noooooo please go high
From Deb Helleren and Mel McMurrin to Everyone: 07:29 PM
chipping: http://southlakefiresafecouncil.org/chipping.html months 3/5/7/9/11
From Paul Duncan to Everyone: 07:30 PM
707‐481‐2362 Cell Phone
From Christopher Nettles to Everyone: 07:33 PM
Maybe we can put word out about the Community Burn Day through the C.A.C list?
From Glenneth Lambert to Everyone: 07:34 PM
I was thinking similar Chris. IF we had a trailer to take around & notified people .. maybe we could get rid of a lot
From Paul Duncan to Everyone: 07:36 PM
Yes, Chris and Glenneth, if we could do a good job with getting the word out, I think we would have a better turn out.
From Glenneth Lambert to Everyone: 07:41 PM
Raised hand ( comment/ Question from FB )
From Deb Helleren and Mel McMurrin to Everyone: 07:44 PM
whats a COAD?
From Cathy McCarthy to Everyone: 07:44 PM
community organizations active in disaster
From Glenneth Lambert to Everyone: 07:49 PM
GREAT work Jessica !!
From Ariel to Everyone: 07:50 PM
is this their FB page? I keep seeing this page but seems like the COAD is new. https://www.facebook.com/Lake‐ County‐COAD‐1990504537846276/
From Cindy Leonard to Everyone: 07:52 PM
https://www.lakecountycoad.org/about‐us/member‐agencies/ The website is more advanced at this point
there is a steering committee, but no director yet
From Paul Duncan to Everyone: 07:57 PM
Well said Cathy!
From Hilary DuBois / Herb Wise Therapeutics to Everyone: 07:59 PM
thanks all