Special Meeting | Agenda | July 27, 2021

Tuesday July 27, 2021 at 7:00pm
Online via Zoom and Facebook
Draft Agenda
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. 7:05 Consider recommendation to the Cobb Area Council from the Blackberry Cobbler
Festival Committee regarding going forward with the Festival.
5. Approve/Disapprove going forward with the 2021 Blackberry Cobbler Festival.
6. Consider and approve return to online only Cobb Area Council for August 19.
7. Adjournment
How to Participate in Cobb Area Council Online Public Meeting 07/27/2021
1. Join us Live and In-Person at Little Red Schoolhouse 157890 Bottlerock Road, Cobb
2. By Computer Join our Zoom Meeting
a. Go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88948307443 and enter passcode: 374568
b. To make a comment or ask a question, use the “Q&A” icon.
3. Call into the Zoom meeting on any phone:
a. Call (669) 900- 6833
b. Enter the Webinar ID: 89 4830 7443 Passcode: 374568
4. Follow along via CAC Facebook Livestream:
a. Go to: https://www.facebook.com/CobbAreaCouncil
b. To make a comment or ask a question, use the Facebook comments section.

Agenda | July 15, 2021

Thursday July 15, 2021 at 6:30pm
Little Red Schoolhouse 157890 Bottlerock Road
Hybrid Online via Zoom and Facebook
Draft Agenda

2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
4. 6:35 Short Announcements
• Acknowledgement of the Cobb Area Council’s Five Year Anniversary
5. 6:40 Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins./individual)
6. 6:50 Treasurer’s Report- Frank
7. 6:55 Supervisor’s Comments- Jessica Pyska
8. 7:05 Office of Emergency Services/Lake County Sheriff- Siren Testing
9. 7:15 2021 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan
10. 7:20 Committee Reports- (Limit to 3 minutes each)
a. Firewise Communities: Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth,
b. Communications Committee- Mel By-laws approval
c. Cobbite of the Year- Cathy Selection to be announced at Blackberry Cobbler Festival
d. Economic Development Committee
i. Collaborative Marketing Initiative- Website Chris
e. Creating two new committees: a Budget committee and an Emergency Preparedness committee.
11. 7:45 AHEAD Grant Final Update- Eliot
12. 8:15 Blackberry COBBler Festival 2021
13. 8:20 Date of Next Meeting: August 19, 2021
14. 8:21 Adjournment

How to Participate in Cobb Area Council Online Public Meeting 07/15/2021

1. Join us Live and In-Person at Little Red Schoolhouse 157890 Bottlerock Road, Cobb

2. By Computer Join our Zoom Meeting
Go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84456399983 and enter passcode: 139110
To make a comment or ask a question, use the “Q&A” icon.


Call into the Zoom meeting on any phone:
Call (669) 900- 6833
Enter the Webinar ID: 844 5639 9983 Passcode: 139110

3. Follow along via CAC Facebook Livestream:
Go to: https://www.facebook.com/CobbAreaCouncil
To make a comment or ask a question, use the Facebook comments section.

Minutes- June 17, 2021

Thursday June 17, 2021 at 6:30pm
Online via Zoom and Facebook
Draft Minutes
1. CALL TO ORDER -Cathy called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm
2. Roll Call:
Present – Cathy McCarthy: Chairperson;, Cindy Leonard: Vice-Chairperson, Frank Lincoln: Treasurer, Chris: Nettles: Secretary,
Not present – Jake Stickler: Member-at-large
Alternate vacant
3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Motion to adopt Agenda made by Chris
Second -Frank
Motion carries unanimous.
Motion to accept minutes from June meeting made by Chris
Second – Frank
Motion carries unanimous.
4. Short Announcements
5. Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins./individual)
Cathy mentioned the path behind Harvester’s and the concern that if the property is privately purchased, we could lose access to that path.
Glenneth -m doing to work on his art studio. Anyone interesting in helping (work exchange) contact Glenneth at glenneth@sonic.net
Hilary – Commented on lot mentioned by Cathy, said she thinks lot may not be suitable for building.
She also commented on fireworks concerns and fire extinguishers in automobiles
6. Treasurer’s Report- Frank
Total Current balance is $18,676.00
General fund: $1,048.81
Blackberry Cobbler Festival $9,715.00 (received $4,000 in donations)
Cobb Resilient $1,456.28
Cobb Safe $851.23
Economic Development $1,300
Rebuild NorthBay $564.42
T-shirt fundraising $3,432.89
Wilder Than Wild fund $161.31
Broom Busters $146.20
Outstanding checks – associated with Cobbler Festival
Magdalena had a question about the Wilder Than Sild fund and merging it into the General Fund.
Consider forming Budget Committee next month.
7. Supervisor’s Comments- Jessica Pyska
a. Hired special advisor for Community Development Director. Recruiting a new Director. Trying to restore department to appropriate service levels
b. Discussed Broadband – Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (FCC) – focus on Upper Lake & South Lake Co. identified as areas with inadequate broadband.
c. Congressman Thompson delivered a $12m check to Lake Co from American Rescue fund.
d. COVID restrictions have largely been lifted. Supv. Pyska encouraged people to be compassionate. Lake Co. is 50% vaccinated. Go to MyTurn.com for information on where to get vaccinated.
e. New Firehawk will be stationed here in Cobb.
f. Fire season reminders – Supv. Pyska reminded everyone to be prepared both mentally & phycially for the tough fire season ahead.
g. Hardester’s path – Discretionary fund might enable the county to purchase that land. Need to have to request come the community (Cobb Area Council).
h. Tom Slaight posed a question about COVID testing. Supv Pyska referred him to the Lake County Public Health Officer.
8. 2021 Fire Season Update – Paul Duncan
a. Pomo Pumps (North Lake County) fire under control
b. Fully staffed now – six crews, slightly understaff this year
c. New Firehawk will be at Boggs soon – it can carry 1000 gallons of water and fly at full speed.
d. Another Type 1 helicopter will be available to Lake County out of Napa airport
e. Goal is to keep 95% of fires, 10 acres or less
f. South Lake CalFire is completing some new hiring.
g. Some criminal investigations going on, feel free to forward tips on to Chief Duncan
h. If mowing, do not use a metal blade mower. String mowers can cause friction fires, so be cautious.
i. Fireworks are completely illegal in Cobb, including Safe & Sane. (Safe & Sane only legal in city of Lakeport)
j. If you want to see fireworks, go to the public displays
9. Nominations/Vote for Alternate Position of Cobb Area Council Board.
Frank nominated Joe Schneider for the Alternate position on the Cobb Area Council
Chris seconded.
Joe introduced himself
Unanimous vote to elect Joe to the council
10. Committee Reports
● Firewise Communities:
Glenneth – Jones Creek corssing meetngs anouced fro more into see https://sites.google.com/view/jones-creek-crossing-firewise-/home or the Facebook page.
Magdelena Valderama – Bottlerock Corridor Firewise neighborhood is currently under review.
SSCRA had a successful rummage sale event.
Vacation renters brochure is being adapted for South Lake County
● Communications Committee- Mel McMurrin
Firming up committee membership and decision-making processes
Meetings are each Wednesday – everyone is invited.
Growing check-ins – 30-50 person range
Some fire activity spotted early by the network.
Radios are available at the Cobb Resource Hub
Education event next Wednesday after check-in. Look for info in email
For more information contact Mel McMirrin kk6tmn@gmail.com
● Cobbite of the Year- Cathy next meeting
Committee met and will announce Cobbite of the Year at the Cobbler Festival of the Year
● Blackberry COBBler Festival 2021~approval of budget – Cindy Leonard
Cindy discussed the budget, Showed last year’s expenses and best estimate on this year’s budget.
Chris made a motion for Cobb Area Council to approve a $10,000 budget for Blackberry Cobbler Festival expenses.
Eliot seconded motion
Motion approved with unanimous vote
● Economic Development Committee
○ AHEAD Grant Update- Eliot Hurwitz
Eliot gave an AHEAD grant budget update. – 18 month grant. They approved a 3-month extensions. When we requested an extension, they requested that we close the books on the grant.
Eliot gave an overview of the grant expenses.
○ Community Resilience and Development Strategy- Eliot
Eliot gave a presentation about the Cobb Resilience & Economic Development document. See the Facebook recording at 1:12:00 to view the presentation.
○ Collaborative Marketing Initiative-
pivot to extra help for Cobbler Fest
○ Cobb Merchants Association- Cathy
Approaching Middletown Merchants Association and Kelseyville Business Association about helping to promote Cobb Businesses.
11. Rent for Cobb Resource Hub
Cindy discussed the need to ensure that we have money to ensure that the Hub is able to continue to operate. Rent is paid through June. It is $550/month.
Cindy made a motion to cover resource hub from CAC funds for one month (if necessary) – $550 for July
Chris seconds the motion
Motion passes unanimously
12. Conform current committees with new CAC bylaws
Chris – Motion to ratify current standing committees (Economic Development & Communications)
Eliot seconded motion
Motion passes unanimously
Nest meeting will consider a Budget Committee & Emergency Preparedness committee
13. CAC website and mailing list
Kim has begun working on it
14. In-person meetings to begin in July
Also 5 year anniversary of CAC!
15. Date of Next Meeting: July 15, 2021, 6:30 at Little Red Schoolhouse
16. Adjournment
• Motion to adjourn by Chris
o Seconded by Cindy
o Motion carries – adjourned at 8:34p