Thursday February 15, 2024 at 6:30pm

In-Person and Online Participation Available


MINUTES (Approved 3-21-2024)



Roll Call

Present: Cathy McCarthy, Chris Nettles, Darlene Warner

Absent: Jake Strickler, Joe Schneider, Mel McMurrin

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda: Motion by Paul, 2nd by Magdalena, All in favor, Agenda approved.

Approval of Minutes Motion by Paul, 2nd by Chris, All in favor, Minutes approved.

In January of each year, the C.A.C. Board of Directors will hold a roll call election from its regular members to select the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. No meeting was held in January, therefore we will select these roles tonight.

Cathy McCarthy: Chairperson

Jake Strickler – Vice Chair

Chris Nettles: Treasurer

Darlene Warner: Secretary

Joe Schneider: Member at Large

Mel McMurrin – Alternate

Chris suggested we vote for the positions/roles as a slate. Jessica nominated Jake as Vice Chair. Vote on above positions was made as a slate: Chris made motion on slate vote to approve, Robert made 2nd. All in favor of slate, Motion passes unanimously, members assigned roles as above.

Short Announcements

Robert – tickets are available and almost gone for the Crab Feed. Purchased Alaskan half-crabs at $8.95/pound. Please take free food leftover from food giveaway.

Public and Board Comment on Non-Agenda Items (3 mins./individual)

Cathy acknowledged Greg and Allison from Mountain High Coffee as Cobbites of the year for their long-term commitment and support to Cobb. Inez thanked them as well.

Duncan – question regarding Big Canyon Road/Perini Road/Ettawa Springs, and what parts are in which district.

Supervisor’s Comments – Jessica Pyska

Thanked the Lions Club and everyone involved for opening up as a warming center during the storm. With the help of the Lions Club and the Red Cross, the application for a new generator will be presented next week. Lots of crews were out during the storm: DPW, Lars, Chief Duncan, PGE, tree crews, CHP, helitack crews, many crews responded and did incredible work. Declared local disaster. Damage – get damage reports of personal property in. County needs total damage assessment. There were 25 homes destroyed in Lake County. If you need assistance with this, contact Jessica. Damage reports can be made at: Went to DC for the NACO (National Association of Counties) conference with a delegation representing Lake County: Bruno, EJ and 2 staff members. The first day was a full day (8am to 5pm) of FEMA training, learning how to build more resilient communities, how we get funding in pro-active work: for every $1 spent saves us $7 down the road. There was a significant amount of defensible space cleanup after the storm. Defensible Space Clearing – grant funds available of up to $2,500 per home – EJ and Jessica put some of their discretionary funds into this program, there’s about a half-million available. Tree mortality – removing from rights-of-way – working with CalOES for two years now on this; Senator McGuire gave us $1M to get the program started, Disaster Act funding. We’ve been working on a park for the Cobb community for a long time – introduced Lars Ewing.

Cobb Park Update- Lars Ewing and Celia Hoberg

The Public Services Department includes the Parks and Recreation Department

Public Notice has been issued of a hearing at the BOS Meeting on March 27th regarding the purchase of this 13-acre property SE of the golf course. Will be closing escrow a few weeks after that. The parking area will be in front, at the corner of Hwy 175 and Golf Road where the existing building is. Amenities – ideas presented: restrooms, a forested, cabin feel, shaded picnic areas, majority of park will be trails, trail up over the creek, natural playground, amphitheater, and native garden. Eliot commented to include creek ecological restoration and partnering with SSCRA and TERA. Going to use a phased approach. There will be more formal opportunities for further input. The first phase is to open the park, which includes initial amenities and some of the trails. Maintenance and long-term/ongoing funding are a concern. The Concept Plan is developed.

Fire Season Update: Winter Storm Edition- Paul Duncan

More significant storm than the NWS out of Eureka predicted. Has not been pleased with Eureka (vs Sacramento), they’ve been underestimating the wind. NWS may be asking for weather spotters. Reminded everyone to always call 911 first – that way your location is logged and there’s medical aid available over the phone. Another significant event this weekend, be prepared. Boggs forest is a mess, crews are working on that. Would like to know why the permanent ATT keeps going down. Lake County received 400 calls for service, 68 is normal. Snowplow was very busy; Chief Duncan is still dispatch on that. The helicopter will be back in March. Working with CLERC to get ACI back up and running, have fence up around it now. Pine, fir, and cedar trees don’t like to be alone.

Robert commented about ways PGE can better notify the public when an emergency shelter is opened up when the power goes out. Mentioned it was the first time he saw County plows in the area and praised Public Works for that.

Treasurer’s Report – Chris

See attached report incorporated herewith as “Attachment A”

Overall decrease to Profit & Loss Statement of $3K. Funds in Blackberry Cobbler Fest are $17.9K.

Discuss/Approve Authority to continue rent storage for HUB materials until new location is determined.

Monthly rental at Empire Storage in Middletown is $130/month. Approval is to continue renting storage unit, and to review this rental in another quarter. Motion made by Chris, 2nd by Eliot. All in favor. Motion approved.

Committee Reports (3 minutes/individual)

Firewise Communities – Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth, David, Laurie

Cathy – Jones Creek is renewed and in good standing.

Magdalena – getting Firewise communities active and focused on getting renewals in. Heard Firewise discounts on homeowners’ insurance is 10% off CA Fair Plan, with 25% off the wildfire portion of policy. Community Organizations in Active Disasters (including non-profits) with CERT training are people who help and are looking at making more CERT classes available. Worked with NCO to get an AmeriCorp crew out to– 5 or 6 properties. The crew were young and energetic – we need more crews. We are overdue for a community event. Marin County is no longer #1 for number of Firewise Groups. Nevada County is #1 for number of Firewise groups now with 91 groups. We have almost 20.

Communications Committee – Darlene

Mountain repeater got wet due to a roof leak with the storm. Operating on a backup repeater, and on generator power when PGE was out. During winter, having a radio is a good idea too, but always call 911 first if you can. Had a call for help on the radio from a new member and was able to help people with a large tree through their roof which trapped them in their bedroom. Information was relayed to get them help. Noted how information was stated clearly and calmly in a stressful time. Communications Committee meeting will be either Friday 2/23 or 3/1. Mel would like to find people interested in getting their HAM license, call him at (415) 302-6896. An informal, post-storm meeting will be held tomorrow at 5pm online. Duncan had a question about linked repeaters.

Forest Health Committee – Eliot

No report

Economic Development Committee – Chris

Chris attended Lake County Business Association Round Table – money/loan programs available to small businesses, and technical assistance available. Working hard at getting presentations at the Economic Development Committee meeting and putting on calendar. 

Blackberry Cobbler Festival

Noted that Mountain Meadow venue is in escrow, and new owners are willing to host the Blackberry Cobbler Festival 2024.

Discuss/Approve process for appointing next chair of the Blackberry COBBler Festival

Motion made by Magdalena to delegate Economic Development Committee to be tasked with this, Chris made 2nd. All in favor, motion passes.

Discuss/Approve chair of Blackberry COBBler Festival as a paid position

Eliot asked whether we were going to hire outside to manage. Chris and Cathy noted to do as we’ve done before and hire local – ideally someone who has been involved before and knows Cobb. Clarified this position is not only chairing, but administering all functions related to Cobbler Fest 2024. It is noted that a job description and duties need to be defined. Motion made by Chris, 2nd made by Jessica, all in favor, motion passes.

Next Meeting: March 21, 2024 at 6:30

Adjourned at 8:03pm


Respectfully Submitted,

Darlene Warner, Secretary

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