Minutes- December 21, 2017

Thursday December 21, 2017, 6:00-8:00pm
Little Red Schoolhouse/Cobb Mountain Lions Club
15780 Bottle Rock Rd., Cobb, CA 95426
full agenda packet available at www.cobbareacouncil.org
PRESENT: Cindy Leonard, Ron Hasket, Gary Prather, Jessica Pyska, Eliot Hurwitz (Chair)
23 people in attendance
CALL TO ORDER 6:03(shut down cell phones; rules of participation)
-Jon Lion’s Club 2:00-4:00 December 25 Christmas community dinner provided by Lion’s Club with cookie decorating for kids and caroling.
-The Lion’s club also provides food for the community the first Wednesday each month
APPROVAL OF MINUTES from November 16, 2017
Motion to approve: Gary Prather
2nd – Kathleen Hasket
TREASURER’S REPORT, Gary Prather. Current balance $2,203.32 (no change)
-Ron Hasket wants to clarify that he did not want his words from the CAC meeting last month to be mis-construed that he thinks that the first responders are inadequate or that they are not doing their job. He has the utmost respect for the fire fighters. He meant that people are needing to step up and take responsibility for yourself, not solely rely on someone else to take care of us. Gary Prather agreed. Rob Brown added that we need to be pro-active and make an effort to get security cameras and other measures to protect our property. This will eliminate some of the unnecessary law enforcement visits. (clearing gutters of pine needles and other fire safe prevention measures)
Rob Brown said that a lot of people stay behind during fires for various reasons, but it is not a criminal activity. They cannot force you to leave if you are on your own property.
Kathleen Hasket brought up the article in the Lake County News that District Attorney Don Anderson will not be pressing charges for the people who caused the Valley Fire. Eliot brought up that they were not being malicious in setting the fire.
Lake County Hazard mitigation committee report: Joan Moss
-increase community outreach
-improve community’s
-increase wildfire resilience
Goal: get public input and to write a grant to get funding from FEMA for a County Hazard Mitigation plan
Cecilia Nelson from Habitat for Humanity is here to ask if we could put a link for the application on the CAC website. There is a grant money available for low income folks age 62 or older that need help for a home repair.
-Her home and one other are the two that are being built on Cobb by Habitat for Humanity
Rob Brown: 70 or so applications have been approved for CalHome project, and they are still looking for more people to apply (including renters)
Hope City is still continuing to build. All the money raised by them for Valley Fire must be used specifically for Valley Fire. (cannot be used in Santa Rosa, for example)
Cathy asked Rob Brown if the county might re-look at hazard mitigation for all the dead trees that are still standing. Jessica said she is especially concerned about the trees right along HWY 175 where the owner refused for PGE to remove the trees. They are really a danger. Karl Parker said he emailed photos of those trees to Lars Ewing a year ago with no action.
Short reports from CAC Committees as needed
-Karl Parker report on Hobergs Resort: The never-ending story.
Last month we reported that Ray Raminski had signed that the cleanup goals had been met. And the official letter was sent on December 15 of this month. Karl reads official letter. Wood waste must be continued to be cleaned up. Monitor erosion control.
Concrete processing continues, volume of wood continues to decrease. Cal works grant ended, but they hope to get a new grant to help with labor costs.
A request was made to please do everything possible to improve the look of Hobergs for the public. They have tidied up cars.
Hobergs did not receive help from the CalRecycle program, so they have had a great financial burden. Roughly their expenses $400,000 for Hazmat workers, $78,000 for testing, $75,000 dump fees, $489,000 equipment costs. Cal works grant helped with cleanup labor only.
Eliot suggested that Karl might state to Hoberg’s that they could be involved with the updating of the Cobb Area Plan. Karl said he will let them know.
Rob Brown thanked Karl Parker for all the time and effort put into his Hoberg’s reports for the Cobb Area Council
Water and Fire –Eliot wants to continue the discussion of what our community can do to for fire prevention, continuing the Neighbors Helping Neighbors program or the FireWise program. Ron agreed that we could have a few people to do some training to be able to go door to door to give people suggestions to make their home fire safe. We could identify a few trainers, like Gary, others. A video presentation with law enforcement as well as fire responders present. Jessica pointed out that one of the biggest problems is the absentee property owners who are not here to cut tall grass, clean property.
Taking the time to prepare for next year’s fire season
-Ron, Gary and Eliot will work on a program to make a community presentation on possibly Thursday March 1st at Cobb School multi-purpose room. Show a video, talk about house-to-house visits.
Rainbow Bridge update by Robert Stark:
-There is no more bridge, thanks to Ken Gifford, Steve Moore, Ben Murphy. Bailey bridge came out in 6 hours. Don Prather helped with the disassembling of the bridge in another 6 hours. Fish and wildlife insisted the old bridge also come out. That was a more difficult project with the i-beams to cut out. Then the abutments also had to come out because they dropped. All was dug out behind abutments, 26 tons of rip rap was stacked by Steve, the east side abutment had two pieces of rebar to be removed. The previous bridge must not have had a Fish and Game permit, so there was much work to do to bring it up to appropriate standards. From now, it is up to Cobb Area Water District and the County to take the next steps.
The grant money should arrive to the water district in April or so, and the hope is that the bridge would be completed by the end of summer 2018. Thanks to Rob Brown with assistance with the acquisition of the block grant. Robert Stark has agreed to help Ben to find the bridge builder contractor. Abutments must be on hard ground and not in the creek. If we can get the original Bailey bridge signed off on by and engineer, then we will use it.
CORRECTION- Robert Stark-
1. Rainbow Bridge, there was only one 6-hour period to remove the Bailey Bridge.
2. The abutments were not removed, remained in place and leaned back after digging out behind them.
3. Strike the “Previous Bridge” sentence.
Water system consolidation: flyer has been prepared by Cindy Leonard with names of representatives to contact. Please let us know if you would like your name printed as a supporter
Robert says the application is submitted, the County is working hard to help with the consolidation. We are now only short about $3 million for the project (out of about $20 million). This is record time for a project of this size for a consolidation! The State of California Water Resources Board is very committed and behind this project and is spending a lot of money to push this project forward.
The goal is that each customer will pay $50 a month rate, eventually after the entire process is finished.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37 Robert motion to adjourn, seconded by Gary.

Minutes- November 16, 2017

Minutes- November 16, 2017
Thursday November 16, 2017, 6:00-8:00pm
Little Red Schoolhouse/Cobb Mountain Lions Club
15780 Bottle Rock Rd., Cobb, CA 95426
PRESENT: Cindy Leonard, Jessica Pyska, Eliot Hurwitz (Chair), Barbara Flynn, Gary Prather, Ron Haskett
30 people in attendance
Chair called the meeting to order at 6:02PM
• CALL TO ORDER (shut down cell phones; rules of participation)
Magdalena- 3 folks need handyman tools and landscaping tools, please contact her if you have any
Barbara- December 2nd, Christmas in the Village at the Brick Oven. 6:00. Santa will visit.
Lion’s Club bingo will be third Friday of every month
Christmas dinner at the Lion’s Club for all the public. Donations needed.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES from October, 2017
MOVED to accept the Minutes of October, 2017 as is: Barbara Flynn: SECONDED: Ron Haskett. MOTION CARRIED: All ayes to accept the Minutes of October, 2017 as is.
TREASURER’S REPORT, Gary Prather: $52.00 paid for Post Office Box, $27.95 paid to Jessica Pyska for website. Current balance $2,203.32
Short reports from CAC Committees as needed
Glenneth shared the following report from Karl Parker:
1 SOIL TESTING—GREAT NEWS!! Earlier this week, I received the following message from Ray Ruminski, Director of Environmental Health:
“We have received and reviewed the report from Schutze & Associates : SOIL TESTING REPORT: SAMPLING FOR ASBESTOS AND METALS and CONFIRMATION SAMPLING FOR LEAD, Former Hoberg’s Resort ( noted Project No. SCS601.1, October 31, 2017).
Based on the sampling and analysis for metals after debris and soli removal, I agree with conclusions and recommendations in the report that the site of the burned structures has been adequately remediated and that no additional work is required. I consider that the cleanup goals established for this portion of the Valley Fire area have been met. “
2 CONCRETE REMOVAL—You may have noticed the foundations of the old lodge complex being broken up and gathered into piles. As previously reported, the plan is to move the concrete away from the road closer to the ridge where it will be ground up and recycled as road base. Progress on this part of the project will be impacted by weather conditions – heavy rains will make it increasingly difficult to operate heavy equipment in the mud.
3 WOOD PROCESSING—Work continues. The reduction in the wood remaining on the property is now clearly visible from Highway 175, although a substantial amount remains. Processing will continue through the next several months.
4 EROSION CONTROL—An erosion control plan has been prepared by Cort Munselle Engineering of Healdsburg, California, and will be submitted to Ray Ruminski for review and approval. The primary goal will be to stabilize conditions as much as possible and install barriers in order to prevent excessive silt content in the water running downstream off the property.
Respectfully submitted, Karl E. Parker
Cobb Area Plan update: Eliot met with County. The revision will begin most likely in January. We will want a lot of input from the people of Cobb.
Joan Moss gave an update from the Board of Supervisors meeting.
-The Red Net fire dispatch will be passed to the control of the Fire Dept.
-The Supervisors are considering allowing Mendocino fire debris to be taken to Lake County dump
Communications update- Mel: goTenna mesh, devices connect to each other automatically. Currently sold out on Amazon ($180 per pair), but he is going to get them as soon as available. These will work even if cell towers are down. He will continue to research and let us know his findings. 900mhz range. He is still recommending that people get radios ($54) plus license ($70). BTECH GMRS-V1 Two-way radio. He suggests that we all bring our radios to the next meeting.
Eliot said that the Middletown Rancheria gave $22,000 to complete purchase of sirens. One in Cobb, one in Loch Lomond. Magdalena talked to Del with OES and he says he is still trying to figure out what action they will tell the public when the siren goes off. Joan Moss: Lake County disaster meeting, Dell is working to map out area to finish disaster plan for Lake County (including evacuation plan). Madeline says Chief Mike Wink has re-submitted agreement with Calpine and it was approved last night. The Fire District can now install the sirens and they should be installed very soon.
Redwood Valley had sirens, but decided it would be better for people to shelter in place. Lots of lessons to be learned from the failed systems there.
Cathy looked into the programs with NOAH program, like Crescent City.
Gary suggested everyone get a scanner so you can always flip it on if you are wondering what is going on. They cost about $100
Barbara agrees that we should make a plan, since our community is so easily cut off from communication in and emergency
Joan attended the Hazard Mitigation meeting yesterday with OES and they are creating a plan.
Ron also agrees that we need to prepare ourselves, not to wait for someone to make a plan for us.
John Carlisi- We should talk to hospitals, fire dept., etc to find out their plan. We can talk to Sutter Lakeside
Magdalena- It is apparent that we don’t (for example) have enough ambulances to take people away. If we can get some basic training, then at least we can set up a triage area to assist with an emergency. Another good program is Fire-Wise community program, a grant program to get defensible space clearing.
Eliot said perhaps Jon can tell us if the Lion’s club could help to organize the training. We should plan a workshop in January for emergency preparedness. Magdalena said the Red Cross might have money to help with this.
CERT program training.
Ken can schedule for the Ham radio test, which is this Saturday in Ukiah
Mr. Curtola suggests that we keep things small, just make sure you know your 5 closest neighbors and take care of them in an emergency. Let’s not wait to get everyone certified and trained, let’s just make a phone tree and keep it simple for right now.
Report on the Cobb Water System Consolidation by Ben Murphy, General Manager of Cobb Area Water District
Loch Lomond is not participating, nor is Mtn. of Attention. or Whispering Pines or Cobb Mtn. Water
After the fire it was determined that the consolidation was the best plan for recovery. Eight systems will be combined. About 20% of the pre-fire numbers have come back.
Sphere of Influence: 8 systems participating, but this area also protects water districts in areas nearby that are not participating in case of emergency. Keeps those districts from the danger of being taken over. If these areas want to later join, they would have to pay all the fees. You pay by the acre, so it would be very expensive!! Whispering Pines is very complicated, so $15 to 20 million to put in infrastructure, so that area is not participating in this phase.
This is a great opportunity for us to move forward, have control, upgrade our system. In the future our base rate will be lower.
Cost: $22 million in upgrades, $12 million of that in severely distressed systems.
Funding that has been raised: ~$10 million, needing an additional $10 million ?
Possible Bond?
If we don’t consolidate, we will accrue a lot of debt, for example Starview.
The goal in 5 years after consolidation is that we have monthly bills of $50, the costs would be much, much higher if we do not consolidate and do not take advantage of the grant money.
Many areas have tar-wrapped steel that was installed about 50 years ago and are failing. New fire regulations find our systems inadequate.
This consolidation process is underway and hopes are that approval will happen by August 2018.
What can we do? Call state representatives, let them know that we need this project. Tell them that they need to lean on the finance dept to push forward this project. 1,000 homes will be impacted for safe, reliable drinking water. And perhaps just as important is to upgrade our infrastructure to help create a fire safe community!
Eliot: We will have the talking points and phone numbers as a handout at our next meeting
We will not see any rates being raised without community input.
Jessica: How many jobs will be generated? Ben: Maybe 2, hopefully after consolidation as long-term employees.
Construction work will go out to bid, a big construction company will hired to do project to federal standards.
The original Pine Grove tank is not useable because of surface water contamination. It is too complicated to use that water for fire hydrants
Alpine Meadows should speak now if they want to participate.
Case: The water board is looking for an additional board member. Meeting is the second Wednesday of every month. John Carlisi is possibly interested.
Update from Robert on the Rainbow Bridge:
The permit is received, a couple of days of dry weather then we can pull up asphalt, and a plan is being formed to remove both bridges (because of rules of Fish and Wildlife). K rail and cyclone fence will be installed. The bridge is now officially owned by the water company. The engineering will most likely going to cost $50,000. We hope the bridge installation will cost under $20,000. Robert says the Fish and Wildlife organization has been very good to work with. Robert will let us know when we need to help. This will be very important when the creek banks need to be “vacuumed”, since nothing can be allowed to fall into the creek.
Move to adjourn at 7:35. Motion Gary , Seconded Inez
Minutes taken by Cindy Leonard

Minutes- October 19, 2017

Thursday October 19, 2017, 6:00-8:00pm
Little Red Schoolhouse/Cobb Mountain Lions Club
15780 Bottle Rock Rd., Cobb, CA 95426
PRESENT: Cindy Leonard (Alternate), Jessica Pyska, Eliot Hurwitz (Chair), Barbara Flynn
22 people in attendance
Chair called the meeting to order at 6:05PM
• CALL TO ORDER (shut down cell phones; rules of participation)
Jon- Lion’s club announcements: kitchen is now available for rentals, Event Facility – Little Red Schoolhouse available for rental. $300 for up to four hours, $500 full day, additional $150 includes kitchen. 120 people maximum indoors. Call or email for booking, 707-881-3037 or mountainlionsclub@gmail.com. Free use of Community Center for charity events. Call us if you need the Mountain Lions to help you.
Monthly bingo starts tomorrow night, Friday October 20 6:00. Food available, bar open. It will be the Third Friday of every month.
Wednesday November 1, the Lake County Gleaners are having a food giveaway 8:00-10:00, then 5:30-6:30 for community members who are in need of food. This will continue for the first Wednesday of every month.
• APPROVAL OF MINUTES from September, 2017 Motion, Barbara, Seconded Ron Haskett
• TREASURER’S REPORT Gary says there are no new changes. $2283.27 current balance from $3,000 original grant.
Nominees to fill the empty Secretary seat on the Cobb Area Council.
-Cindy Leonard is nominated to fill the seat, all in favor
-Ron Haskett and Cathy McCarthy nominated to fill the alternate position for the Cobb Area Council
Ron is currently on the rebuilding committee and is really driven to help continue the rebuilding of the Cobb homes. He would be covering an important role for the council
Cathy is a teacher and wants to see improved communication for our community. She also want to help support the Lion’s Club center.
Show of hands to elect Ron to our council. 14 for Ron, 8 for Cathy.
Ron is elected to be the new alternate member for the CAC.
Joan Moss brought a DVD with the recording of the Lake County Board of Supervisors meeting that was held October 3, 2017. We listened to the portion related to the Abatement of Hobergs. Scott Schellenger said he is about 7 days for the permit to remove the lead contaminated soil and take it to S. California. They will then be complete with the county clean up requirements.
They will then begin grinding concrete to use for road base.
Rob Brown brought up there were two returned checks and will this affect clean up? Scott said he does not know about the financial details.
What are the erosion control measures being done?
They will be controlling the water that runs across their property so it avoids becoming contaminated. They want to maintain the swales for water runoff.
The target date for clean up completion was October 15, assuming they got their permit.
Ron states that the foundation concrete that is ground for road base should not have absorbed toxins since that type of concrete is more dense than other types of concrete. So it should be safe as a road base.
Joan stated that she was reassured by Scott’s report to the Board of Supervisors.
Items from Magdalena:
(1) If you know of anyone affected by the Sulfur Fire, please let them know a Local Assistance Center (LAC) has opened up at the Clearlake Senior Center on Bowers Street (go out Old Hwy 53 past Safeway). The hours are 9-7pm through Saturday, and may be extended. Many of you may remember from the other fires that these one-stop shops of Federal, State, County, and nonprofit agencies were very useful in replacing personal documents, getting drinking water, food, and debris cleanup tools and other disaster help.
(2) Also, Seigler Springs Community Redevelopment Association (SSCRA) – the only 501c3 helping individual survivors with long-term recovery that is based in Cobb – has a booth at the LAC. SSCRA has partnered with SHARE, the Shared Housing and Resource Exchange to offer temporary housing help. Last weekend alone, 600 home providers from the area and all over the country responded to the call for disaster housing — whether rooms, apartments, or even whole houses. We also need more local providers in Napa, Sonoma, and Lake Counties. SSCRA and SHARE will vet the renters. Interested homeowners and renters can contact us at (707) 809-5505.
we could be looking for shared housing help as far away as Vallejo and Colusa County as well.
• Short reports from CAC Committees as needed
Emergency Preparedness:
South Lake County Fire announcement from Madelyn Martinelli:
They were presented with an agreement from Geysers Power Company (Calpine) for the siren on the Socrates Mine Road, which will be for the Anderson Springs community. The agreement is for 10 years. If there is an impact on their business or disruptions on the property, SLCF would be liable for $1500 per month and to reimburse them for any damages. They would like 1 million insurance for the siren. Access would be limited from 6:30 to 9:30 at night, no holidays. So the council refused this agreement and countered with a new proposal from Mike Wink. Currently we are waiting for a response from Calpine.
All the sirens will be installed at the same time, so a proposal to look for a new location was suggested.
Twin Pines bought one siren, Calpine funded others. The wiring has been done, we are waiting for the last location so we can install all together.
Hidden Valley residents all had an assessment to pay for their sirens. They have been installed and were found to not be loud enough. They are looking into how it can be improved.
Robert Stark’s notes from Facebook:
October 14 at 11:01am ·
For the record, the emergency sirens for Cobb were approved in December of 2016 with funding from the Cobb Community Investment Fund Committee (Calpine). The entire project is under the control of the South Lake County Fire Protection District exclusively.
Hidden Valley was the first of the three locations to install and test them (beginning this September), the results of that testing have yet to be made available to the general public as it does take time to assess their effectiveness.
The siren on top of Cobb Station was removed years and years ago, as with the advent of pagers and later paid staff, there was no need to call in the volunteers by its use. It was tested daily at 12-noon, which became an annoyance to neighbors of the station, and that was that.
The old siren may be up in the attic of the station, but it isn’t something you can just slap in on a moment’s notice. So here we are in a situation where it might yet serve a purpose, but is not available, although recent events may serve as a call to action.
Other items related to emergency preparedness:
Mel: there are many layers of things we need to keep on top of:
-Ham radio operators
-land lines (so ATT does not eliminate land lines) perhaps one land line per neighborhood
-Cathy says we should look at Crescent City as an example. They have an emergency evacuation plan, sirens, cell communications, meeting points and the community practices the plan. We could look at them as a resource.
-We should work hard to get every resident to sign up for NIXLE alerts
• General Discussion of current issues
a company is coming to Lake County to make compacted soil building blocks, if there is positive community response. They will be in Middletown next week. They say they are fire resistant and good for building fire safe homes and businesses.
• Rainbow Bridge status
Jessica has a report from Robert, who is out of town:
The bridge will be owned by the water company, and received $200,000 block grant. The water company will have ownership and do the maintenance of the bridge. A water company line will be running under the bridge.
The bridge will be removed and replaced by next summer. They will be working with Jeff Lucas and the Cobb Water District consolidation.
• Authorize payment for annual website costs Domaine is $15 and $12.95 for privacy.
Post office is $52
Motion by Glenneth that we approve all expenses. Kathleen seconded, all approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:13.

Minutes- September 21, 2017

Thursday September 21, 2017
, 6:00-8:00pm
Little Red Schoolhouse/Cobb Mountain Lions Club
15780 Bottle Rock Rd., Cobb, CA 95426
PRESENT: Cindy Leonard (Alternate), Jessyca Lytle, Gary Prather, Jessica Pyska, Eliot Hurwitz (Chair)
13 people in attendance
Chair called the meeting to order at 6PM
Eliot H. – spoke with Byron Turner – in next month should see process of updating Cobb Area Plan kick into high gear
Lions Club Announcements:
Kyle – Crab feed Oct 14th fresh Alaskan crab with raviolis. Hired a DJ for dancing. Funds will be used to support Little Red
Oct 4th–  Lions doing food give away, donated by Gleaners 8-10am. Need 24 families to start regular food drive. Every 1st Wed of month – no forms to fill out to receive. Different program from Hunger Task Force; they will connect.
Oct 20th – and every 3rd Friday of the month at 7pm Lions will do family Bingo night. Food concessions as well. Like the Lions on Facebook to get updates of information.
• APPROVAL OF MINUTES from August 18, 2016
1 correction to minutes from Richard Curtola, “county” should read “county supervisor”
Motion to approve: Robert Stark
2nd – Richard Curtola
Total: $2,283.27
1 check written for cables to use for mtgs
1 check intended for web domain
Jessyca – Stepped down from CAC – thanked everyone for being a part of creating, organizing, and running CAC in first year. Wished CAC well in future projects, etc. Cindy Leonard, Alternate, will take Lytle’s position on the council board.
Cindy – Asked Robert Stark to update on Rainbow Rd Bridge
Robert – Fish and Game permit submitted. $5,000 pd by Friends of Cobb Mtn.
1st thing to repair is broken beam.
Next goal- determine how new and old bridge are affixed
County owns current bridge – Robert will ask the county to just give the bridge to Friends of Cobb and/or the water dist. So then we can just do what is needed with old bridge and replace it with a new one.
Friends of Cobb may just buy a new bridge to replace at this point if it is the easiest?
• SHORT REPORTS from CAC Committees as needed
Mitigation Committee –
Karl Parker: Hobergs update. Showed slides of before and after from a year ago, including aerials, to today and discussed progress. Cleanup recently slowed again because manager had property in Florida affected by Hurricane Irma.
<Get report from Karl…>
Eliot Hurwitz: Attended Lake County Fire protection mtg. We were encouraged to look at areas up here that could be set up for fire-wise communities. Fire season is not over yet…
Gary Prather: Last year, they didn’t lift burn ban until over 20 inches of rain. Very conservative last year.
Question: Fire siren updates?
Answer: Do not know.
Jessyca L. suggested that next mtg we have Calfire officials come to mtg to give updates on fire siren’s for Cobb area.

  • Also to give information about what grant funding will be available in the future for fuel reduction, chipping programs, education programs, etc. since the fire prevention fee will not be in place for many years now.

Beverly Hill:  Heard at a BOS meeting that five fire chiefs for Lake county want to move their emergency dispatch to St Helena??
Gary – Sirens were turned off because they were old and responders were relying more and more on beepers for emergency calls. The problem has always been how to tell people what the siren alarm means and get word about where and what to avoid. Moving dispatch to St. Helenea is an ongoing discussion because the chief feels that adding Lake Co to that dispatch area might be an overload on that dispatch. St. Helena would be carrying 6 counties for dispatch then. Nothing has been changed.
Magdalena Valderrama: Reminder re: CodeRed alert system – handles more local system, closer than Nixle system
Rob Brown not in attendance – no new news
Nancy Kaymen – Building department here, unofficially. Invited by Kyle Noble to come and give an update on status review. Department is now caught up on building inspections. She was recently hired away from another county and happened to already live in the Cobb community. Just posted advertisement to hire a 3rd building inspector. Rob no longer out doing inspections. County hired three local retired contractors who are doing inspections too. Department just interviewed for Plan Checker position. Acknowledges it’s less expensive for the county and the individual to do the plan checking in-house. Further questions, call her at 263-2382.
Andy Nestor:  Update on Lake County Broadband Solutions, a new broadband service for the Cobb Area with high speed wireless internet to Cobb and all Lake County.
Introduced Terre Logsdon as their new Chief Operating Officer.
Started planning phases 5 yrs ago.
Just completed fiber work to the Seigler Mountain tower. Circuits will be turned on and live at the tower as of this coming Monday.
Building 1st link up to the office at the old Work Rite building in Kelseyville; then raise a few more antennas that will be aimed into Cobb area.
Will start serving Cobb estimated in end of October – beginning of November
Go to:  lake county broadband solutions.com  (temp website)
Put name and address in and that will let them know that you are interested in seeing if you can get service at your address; will soon start marketing, but this will give them an idea of the service concentrations needed
Services provided residentially have no caps. You can stream movies, etc.
Once initial tower site and office site are linked they will be moving out and expanding from there.
In the future they will be tied into state OES networks.
Also will have weather stations to track weather and air quality locally on their towers and network as well
Q: Where are the tower locations?
A: Towers and relay points will be on private property, via lease agreements with the property owners. Maximum 12-15 feet tall.
A: Antennas are like home wifi router antennas. They are small like having a satellite dish, but smaller. The technology is “terrestrial point to point”, i.e., allows uploads speeds to be much higher and consistent because there is no time lag going up to and back from a satellite. The system will be able to keep and maintain that speed and not fluctuate. Also no data caps. Good for businesses and residences.
Q: Cost estimates?

  • Income qualified – approx. $26 per mo. Have to qualify for Calfresh.  20 mbps download 5 mbps upload — still way better than what people are getting now
  • Regular residential – approx.. install $149  $52 per month  40 mbps down 20 mbps up
  • No contract  (buy your own equipment – no monthly fee)

Ques – Robert Stark gave card for water district to give access to their tanks and towers for use.
Q: Are you a privately funded company
A: Yes…privately owned and operated. Owned by all of the people in Lake County (co-op)
If any questions go to the website and send an email.
Motion to adjourn – Gary Prather
2nd – Jessyca L.
Meeting adjourned 7:07 pm

Minutes- August 18, 2017

Cobb Area Council – August 18, 2017
Draft Minutes
Thursday August 18, 2017, 6:00-8:00pm

Little Red Schoolhouse/Cobb Mountain Lions Club
15780 Bottle Rock Rd., Cobb, CA 95426

  • CALL TO ORDER (shut down cell phones; rules of participation)

Mtg called to order at 6:03pm                  (32 people present)

  • Pat with Acme Foundation Fundraiser at Black Rock
  • Raise money for veterinary costs – doing a fundraiser – only do one per year – main fundraiser
  • Lisa Kaplan – with MAC Invite everyone to the show Witnessing at MAC – asking for submissions as well as invite everyone to come. Also inform everyone about Resilience classes for the community – supported by an Arts Grant (look on website for details)
  • Jon with Lions Club  announcing 2 events  Pine Grove doing Bingo and dance

Also Pancake Breakfast labor day

  • APPROVAL OF MINUTES from June 15, 2016   Robert Stark moved to approve

Jessica Pyska – 2nd
all in favor


Gary account balance $
No expenditures since last mtg

  • Supervisor update report – Rob Brown

Ron Haskins  – supervisor mtg last Tues re: issue of lack of building inspectors. Many contractors were present. Rest of BOS members beside Rob and Moke got a better understanding about the difficulties in our areas due to lack of inspectors. BOS is working on resolving the issue.
Rob – 4 inspector positions 1 became vacant, then 2 more left – only down to 1 now.
At mtg – one of the suggestions was to have contractors do inspections on other contractors’ work (which they can do) and this will help the process along. He has done basic inspections himself as well to help so inspectors can do the major inspections like finals on builds.
Some solutions – engineers can also come out and certify
For re-roof those can be done too
Remote inspection with online inspection tools/programs
Many options they are working
Assuring that it is not going to be a big hold up.
If anyone has a permit for a build, the county wants to know if the owner is ok with this temporary type of inspections
Insurance extensions – Carol Hutchingson is on the phone lobbying to get the extension. He is confident they are going to get it.
Robert Stark – question about Rainbow bridge. County is continuing to work on this – on Agenda for the 22nd. Rob Brown will look into tomorrow to see where things are at up to date. County will contribute the extensions
Ques re: cannabis agenda item. Rob Brownsaid this has been put off due to the more pressing need for building inspector issue.
Also announced Job Fair – Tues at 4pm for recruiting anyone who wants to do volunteer or paid work to help with current community development needs
After Workshop on Tues an further session, from  6-8 in the BOS chambers will be held for contractors, engineers to go over how to address the situation
Ques – from Rich Curtola about Rainbow Bridge. Clarify that county is not going to fix the bridge.
Barbara Flynn– informed that we will cover that next in the mtg.
Rich C – very concerned about county not helping out more. People are in that area that are unprotected. He doesn’t believe that the county is not fighting for us.
Barbara – asks how is county doing on gathering of money on the cleanup. Rob B reports that it going well. We extended the payment from 1 yr to 2 yrs.
Robert Stark – Asks about the county not having maintenance records to give to FEMA and so now they are not giving the county money. Rob Brown stated that FEMA never said they would give the county money for roads. So it is not an issue since they never said they would give us money for the roads.
Ques – 4 positions of inspectors how many are left? Rob stated that there is still one inspector left – Brandon  Holleran– he did inspections with him all day long
Ques – private property at rainbow bridge – that is why county can’t fix the bridge

  • PUBLIC and BOARD COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (3 mins./individual)
  • Robert Stark – re Rainbow Bridge he working with Alta Rock Corp (who now owns Bottle Rock Power) foundation specs were given to the county with live load and capacity included. Working with David Coleman (who started the bridge project) Alta Rock stated have to go to the people who made the bridge to get all of the specs, so they can get those to the county. Zone of Benefits – county in charge of that – If we form an assessment district is the county going to do the same thing?

The county doesn’t have the money to give money to get the project started. (Discussion about the process and how dependent upon the situation how they can approach it.)
Ques about costs and offsets if assessment dist vs county paying? (Discussion)
Rob B. – everybody with the county is for the bridge. Just needing to go through the process.
Rob B. – suggests getting started with permit with fish and game immediately to get things started.
Ques – Cindy – Is friends of Cobb paying money for cost of the bridge?  Robert – yes they are paying money for it, but they will be expecting some of that back – through community events, etc. Cindy – ballpark – how much will Friends of Cobb be putting into it? Robert – $20,000.
Working with local people re: use of equipment to help move the bridge and help keep costs down.
Fire Safe Council 1st Wed at 2pm  South Lake Fire Board Room – Madeline stated that the council would like to invite CAC and any members to come to the mtg to assist with grant writing and solutions for funds to approach now. They need people that can write grants to come help them pursue grants and write the grants
Rob – Karl gave presentation at BOS mtg and said it really helped the BOS to know more about what was going on at Hobergs. Thanking Karl for his efforts in helping this process along. He said the county would not have the ability to monitor this the way that Karl has.
Barbara – ques – Did Konocti resort sell. Rob – it is in escrow. A group that looks serious about the sale (Russian group purchasing it – they even had to have translators present)

  • Short reports from CAC Committees as needed

Karl – Hobergs abatement monitoring committee
Thanking everyone on committee for efforts as well. Gave presentation to BOS – structural debris removal took place and asbestos removal. The main thing now is the soil testing – focused on heavy metals. Testing has to get completed – then any mitigation having to do with results of soil testing has to be completed before concrete and some of wood can be finished.
Got info that soil testing was complete

  • Robert – update on Cobb Area Water agreement with Hobergs development for water use. It’s in the works and they are trying to show an agreement so that Hobergs investors will see that they have water access in the future. The details are still being worked on.
  • Madeline – asked Karl for both Bertelli and Wink to get contact info so Calfire has contact info with Hobergs development mgmnt.
  • Gary – FYI firewood friend just bought from them was really good quality firewood

Ques- -others concerned about firewood being brought onto the property still.

  • Emergency preparedness report – Gary – latest Nixle report systems and how they worked during last smaller fire incidents. He noticed that Calfire alerts take a little longer than Nixle alerts due to dispatching needing to be done with Calfire.

Ron – ques for Gary – Did Nixle report ever say which direction evacuations were taking place? Gary – no it did not. People evacuating need to know which direction the fire is headed so they know how to evacuate.
Some in audience said they didn’t get it at all.

  • Fire siren update – Madeline – HVL this Sat btwn 2-3pm will be testing their sirens – they have 3 sirens. Also they are doing a big celebration on that day with fire info South lake fire and fire safe council will be there.
  • Barbara – update for Cobb. Madeline says they have marked their spots already and electricians are in the process of looking at that area next.

Hazard trees -Update on drafting letters to neighbors to take care of hazard trees. What to do if letters sent prior did not work?
Madeline Suggested – your insurance can contact their insurance and see what can be pursued from there
Gary – suggested South lake fire help create an ordinance like what was done in the Riviera
Rich Curtola – asked by several people at Pine Grove and their opportunities to have their voices heard. Multiple audience and Board members stated that any property owner or renter in the Cobb Area is welcome at our meetings. They always have been.

  • Continuing community preparation for the upcoming 2017 fire season including update on “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” brush clearing program. 

Cindy – 1st clean up day Aug 5th  – 5 residents that were needing help (elderly, disabled) they completed work on 3 of those properties. It was very rewarding! A team of 4 people helped that day.
Sept 9th next clean up day – there are 7 more residents that need help. Volunteers are needed for teams to do the work for these people on Sept 9th
Barbara suggested a sign up sheet – to place in the pub to help gather volunteers.

  • Adjourn

Jessica moves to adjourn
Cindy 2nd
Mtg adjourned at 7:27pm

Minutes- July 20, 2017 (DRAFT)

Thursday July 20, 2017, 6:00-8:00pm
Little Red Schoolhouse/Cobb Mountain Lions Club
15780 Bottle Rock Rd., Cobb, CA 95426


Present: Eliot Hurwitz, Jessyca Lytle, Cindy Leonard (alternate)
Absent: Gary Prather vacation; Barbara Flynn vacation; Jessica Pyska health
APPROVAL OF MINUTES from May 18, 2017
MOVED to accept the Minutes of May 18, 2017 as is: Robert Stark: SECONDED: Cindy Leonard. MOTION CARRIED: All ayes to accept the Minutes of May 18, 2017 as is.
Gary wrote in by email that the bank account total is $2321.89 unchanged from last month.
MOVED to get a Council banner to raise on a meeting day and for other public events: Inez Wenckus. SECONDED: Jessyca Lytle.
DISCUSSION: Kyle Noble had gotten one for the Summit Pool in full color for $65 at banners.com; Pak n Mail in Lakeport also provides banner-making services.
MOTION CARRIED/ACTION: Do design, and present next month. Peter _______________ will look into the available options, sites, and media card needs.

  • Chair announced that the agenda can’t be discussed beforehand because of Brown Act. Everyone is invited to provide agenda items via the Council webpage “Contact Us” service, the Council Facebook page, and by email at cobbareacouncil@gmail.com in addition to any posters that will be put up ahead of time.
  • Debris cleanup insurance status. Cindy Leonard reported that she went to the first meeting at  Twin Pine Casinos. If you didn’t go to any of the county meetings on the topic, the information will be in the mail. The amount will be a big surprise but you just submit the county letter to the insurance company and then whatever you have from your insurance company they report back to you, you report back to the county, then the county reports to the State and they and FEMA will address. Last meeting is scheduled for July 31: Cobb Elementary School 6pm.
  • Rich Curtola – Had sent in two requests for info to cobbareacouncil re Rainbow Bridge and activity of council. Is a county newbie, been coming here since 1955, going to move up full time when he retires.

MOVED to add this item to the agenda because the item came in after the agenda had been set: Jessyca Lytle; SECONDED: Karl Parker
MOTION CARRIED/ACTION: All say aye to including the Rainbow Bridge item on today’s agenda.
Robert Stark: Latest info on the bridge has to do with Friends of Cobb Mountain and events of only the last week. FOCM usually gets involved in logging, geothermal, sanitation, erosion issues, but one of our directors, David Coleman, has a property in High Valley that was leased to Alta Rock Power. Turns out Alta Rock has a bridge they need to get rid of. It is already disassembled and the parts stacked, bolts are in the boxes. The money they might get selling it would be far inferior to the money to be spent carting it off.  FOCM went ahead and placed first dibs on this bridge, even though it needs to be cut down from 90 feet long and 12 ft wide, capacity of 90 tons, geothermal equipment standard.
In the meantime, last week’s Record-Bee had an article about how a bridge in Spring Valley had washed out. The county came in and put in a doublewide Bailey bridge, and Spring Valley residents are wondering when and with what will be the permanent replacement.  Since FOCM had first dibs on the Alta Rock bridge which would work for that location,  David called the Supervisor for District 3, Jim Steele, who oversees the Advisory Council for Spring Valley to present a deal: FOCM would be happy to give up their dibs on the Alta Rock bridge to Spring Valley if the county comes back and fixes the Rainbow Bridge. We can’t use the Alta Rock bridge here practically, but the county needs it up there in Spring Valley.
Tomorrow we have to tell Alta Rock  we’re interested. We only have a three-day timeframe, otherwise Alta Rock carts it off.  Our supervisory, Rob Brown, is on vacation and public works was out sick, so there was no committee to make the deal happen.
Lytle: Where is county at with Spring Valley?
Stark: Every week, BOS addresses Valley fire, Clayton fire, and Spring Valley bridge, and each time there has been no new updates re Spring Valley. There’s no timeframe right now for Spring Valley so we need a timeframe to set it and then we get a million dollar bridge. Need to get word to the board of supervisors and do two things to be successful. Letter of intent, or memo of understanding with power, they have our word, and we have theirs. Make it tomorrow, and we can email them back. Families need a new Rainbow Bridge for kids to go over.
RCurtola:  We’re now in the middle of fire season. Spring Valley was burned out and we’re in the middle of another fire season. If fire comes in at top of Hwy 175, we can’t get out, and if it’s on Bottle Rock then there’s no way either. Our bridge has to be done first.
Phil: What would it cost the county to use the bridge we have to offer.
Stark:  It would be another year because the Alta Rock bridge has massive footings, considerable abutments, 90 feet long. But county has excavators, and what would you pay for shipping a bridge from East Djibouti? The reality is we need it done, we don’t need a 2-lane bridge nor a public easement, and we don’t need it to be a county road. Very simple, quid pro quo.
John Carlisi: County could accomplish 2 things at the same time.
Karl Parker. Seems an elegant solution. As an alternative would it also be possible to accept  the Alta Rock bridge, and then sell it?  Bad loss for the company, but for this community it would be enough money fund our repair.
Stark:  We’re volunteering a $1.5 M bridge; just need to know whether or not we are in line with our FOCM charitable purposes. We need to let them know tomorrow so their lawyers can investigate FOCM to see if we can take a gift. We’re buying something as a gift technically. Nonprofits normally don’t buy and sell on the open market, then by seat of pants try and turn it around. FOCM converted to a 501c3 (was 501c4f) to accept donations; some confusion, presently.
Eliot Hurwitz: Yes, a 501c3 can sell property as long as the proceeds are used for the charitable needs indicated in their bylaws.
Mike: What about fish and wildlife issue–county problem.
Jo: Is the Rainbow Bridge county-maintained?
Stark:  No. Community gave money to help put in a culvert. No moneys available at this time. Rob Brown has been gone on vacation. Call Rob Brown and let him know how you feel about the deal:  349-2628, and the other supervisors as well. Tell him, “I want to let you know I fully support the efforts by the FOCM to fix the Rainbow Bridge with that trade; if you have any questions please talk to Jim Steele, who oversees the Advisory Council there.
County “never” has the money, they want to put in an assessment, period. Committee meets every month but nothing has ever been made to happen.
MOTION for Cobb Area Council  to officially support FOCM to obtain the Alta Rock bridge for the purposes of replacing the Rainbow Bridge, using Council stationery: RCurtola. SECONDED: Inez Wenckus.
Kyle Noble:   Cindy, has anyone asked the board of education about the children crossing the bridge.
Cindy Leonard:  There has been talk of the bus having a temporary stop at the school, which means 20 kids could go up, but that’s in the works. In the meantime, dozens of people are marching across a collapsed bridge on top of another collapsed bridge–doesn’t take much. Then fish and game will come in up to their necks.
Woman: Does the power plant have a timeline?
Stark:  They will cancel contract to sell in lieu of us getting it. 160K lbs. of iron, you can’t just take it away. They want it gone. Don’t want to know anything else. We pay them, they reply to us, we have first dibs.
RCurtola:  It is still imperative, that CAC recognize how serious this is, it’s been 6 months and lives here are in danger every single day. If that bridge doesn’t get fixed then it doesn’t matter whether we get the Alta Rock bridge. A letter from the Council emphasizes the seriousness of the issue. The county only recognizes an assessment district that they placed on the last November ballot.
However, there is a precedent set by the county at Meadow and Rainbow, people on Hwy 175 to Bottle Rock Road via that shortcut, gave us a Bailey bridge, repaired the road, they have culpability on this bridge, so if somebody dies there is going to be a battle.
What do we need to get the assessment district in motion?
Stark:  The letter has already been written. I went and got the application, and is polling the residents, asking them to please fill out the postcard, because nobody else is doing it.
ACTION: Put on the Council agenda next month to bring the paperwork and organize for the assessment district right there.
Lytle: Have packed the room all those times the Council was to discuss special topics like this, Calfire was present as well. The conversations need to continue from multiple residents as we go through this process. Send an email, whatever to let your voice be known and move the county forward.
RCurtola: Have great anxiety at night, not sleeping well when he’s up here. Wants attorney to consider a letter to put them on notice.
MOTION CARRIED/ACTION:  To let Alta Rock kow we are interested. Post on the website all the Supervisors’ phone numbers and email addresses, so the information is always available.

  • Hoberg’s Abatement — Karl Parker reports they haven’t been able to meet. Will meet Tues, but Scott Skellenger had to be hospitalized, out now maybe.  67 cords of wood have been moved off the property in the last 2 weeks. Wood piles diminishing. Done probably end of summer. As soon as Scott is well we’ll meet.

Comment:  Homeowners are concerned about the massive amounts of fire fuel. We‘re not on a county maintained road so County only say talk to PG&E, other businesses but if it’s not a threat to PG&E concerns, then we’re on our own.
IWenckus:  Use Neighborhood Watch. You don’t have to have a badge, just anonymously call in 707-263-2690 for Sheriff’s office., and say I’m with Neighborhood Watch and I want to make a report. You can also send in pictures.
2.  Emergency Preparedness/Communications: Mel McMurrin, ham radio operator – Here are more ways we can keep track of what’s going on, beyond paying attention to a helicopter in the sky, Nixle, or anything like that.  If a fire is ten minutes away, you need something quicker than Nixle. If you have a scanner, listen to the dispatcher on 15134. Online: information will be posted on the Scanner website. Facebook has 3 different pages. Top one, i.e., the most active and reliable, so go there first is “On the Scanner Lake County”. Helicopters are in the sky practicing, the black helicopters belong to PG&E. Keep a pen and paper handy to take down addresses — addresses can make all the difference in getting away in time!
Re main CalFire line, it was inundated during the Valley Fire, so check the 2nd number shown on this list. If you see smoke, call 911, because on a cellphone they can locate you immediately. Talked to them today. On a Lake Co cellphone, they said call the sheriff.
911 in Cobb is part of a plan with Calfire. They transfer to St. Helena, so when 911 comes on the line, tell them to transfer you to St. Helena so there will be no delay for them to look it up. Middle number listed is the St. Helena number.  I put these two numbers on the back of my cellphone.
Radios– cheap, can be used as a scanner; radio law just changed too, however, more info later. Scanner apps on the phone are available, and these will work as long as you can find the middle frequency listed.
ACTION: Will post on the Cobb Area Council website.
Checking for a show of hands: 4 residents in the room have scanners. When you hear them say “Go to white, or red, net” they are sending their staff to the priority channel that isn’t open to be scanned. When you hear them say, “Code 33’, that means “don’t use radio, use scanner”.  Still, they have to call back to dispatch with news no later than 5 hrs, and same update has to be posted on the CalFire website.
New notification network: CodeRed, more local than Nixle, replaces CityAlert. Sheriff Martin says if you have trouble with set up, call OES at sheriff’s department and they’ll give you tech support. There should be something on the signup to give the phone number you want notified and also have another phone notified, to make sure someone you designate knows also about any emergency. As of today, they have 1800 signed up, only landlines, so far. Lytle never got a notification on her landline.
Community preparation for the upcoming 2017 fire season including update on hazard mitigation and communications

  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors
  • Weedwhacking, loppers, available; not chainsaws.
  • Have 6 folks asking for help in the Cobb area, from Seigler Springs to Cobb, including someone who had heart surgery; a bedridden husband on Fox with a garden of weeds; 80 yr old guy on Loch Lomond. Number to call to ask for or offer help is 335- 4084.
  • Helpers:  3 calls so far. A dozen lots would be a first start.
  • Works with So. Lake Co Firesafe Council which has simple Right of Entry / Hold Harmless form. You can participate even if you don’t need help yourself by making a donation to provide someone else with a $30/yr membership — entitles participant to a free half hour chipping + 4 hrs $30/half hour (normally $180/hr–good deal, and are working on more grants. Program requires branches no more than 6-in size, plus good stacking to keep efficient. .
  • They go in two phases, just finished the first round, which is underway, can’t get into this one; have to wait.
  • Trees Project with Brenda Quintero is for full-length logs.
  • Lytle:  At recent Council meeting, our county was the most represented in the entire room – 5 counties in our LNU area. Working together to get more grants. $113.yr fire abatement fee goes into a state pot and each county competes for the money.
  • Source of casual labor for hire: just bulletin boards at Dino’s, Hardester’s, post offices
  • Peter Hess:  Sevin works really well on rows of beetle trees, but only on the base borer type. ACTION: Please give Eliot information and we can let people know.

2.  Disaster Council: 

  • New draft of Emergency Operations Plan has been online for three months — please send in comments to the OES office.
  • At Board of Supervisors meeting, it was decided that the County General Plan is going to be updated, which will affect zoning, land use. CAC Chair attended and reminded the board they have to do the area plan first, bottom up/grassroots, and they promised they would do it that way. Cobb was already set to be the first area plan to be updated; have not heard anything yet from Byron Turner; met with Planning Director Massarelli twice.

3.  Hazard Mitigation:

  • Sirens – installation scheduled for HIdden Valley first, then Cobb next.
  • Chief Wink can come again to update us. These days, fires eason is serious in September. All this work we’re doing now is just part of the acceleration needed.
  • Phone number for Code Enforcement: 263-2309

Adjourned: 7:25pm

Minutes- June 15, 2017 (DRAFT)

Thursday May 18, 2017, 6:00-8:00pm
Little Red Schoolhouse/Cobb Mountain Lions Club
15780 Bottle Rock Rd., Cobb, CA 95426
DRAFT Minutes
Cindy Leonard sat in, waiting for Gary. (Came late)
MOTION: Move presentation from CalFire on preparation for the upcoming 2017 fire season to earlier in the agenda
Motion to move carried without objection.


Kyle: Lion’s Club Zumba schedules, family fun night event; lobster boil

  • APPROVAL OF MINUTES from April 20, 2017

No comments from those in attendance.
MOTION TO ACCEPT: Barbara Flynn, SECONDED: Jessica Pyska.
Council members accepted the April 20, 2017 minutes without any comments or objections.


Previous report total: $2807.30 currently in bank account.
In the past month, Alternate Cindy Leonard bought a new projector for the council: $321.74 + extended warranty=$351.41 total spent. Need to get a case $20, and an adaptor as she is using one from their house.
All present agreed without objections to purchase an adaptor.


Joann Saccato – road at Whispering Pines, made a video and sent it to Mike McGuire, Rob, Dodd. Got some action–they came out to see the holes and waiting for a reply from one of these. We didn’t have to do a pothole fundraiser.
Cindy Leonard – followup to last month: 3 live oaks, 4 buckeyes, 18 valley oaks available let her know
Barbara Flynn: still has 30 huge spruce, red maples and yellow maples at a nice size, need help to get the trees in the ground before the weather gets hot. Need a backhoe to do the digging, son will do the work, if we can get an excavator to deliver the trees and not taking root in the meadow. For houses that are being built
Woman: What happened to cellphone AT&T followup?
Lytle: The AT&T contact has been working with whoever has already put their name on the list, person by person. Nothing was said about why the service was degraded.
ACTION: Lytle will call AT&T contact and check.
ACTION: Will post the signup for the website.
Eliot went to the BOS meeting regarding item on county approval for contract to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Significant for our area so we know what our issues are and what we can do to address ongoing problems. Outreach to the  community is a requirement –so we will invite them and share the priorities and understanding of our situation.
Q: Does the Hazard Mitigation Plan include trees?
A I imagine it would. Seemed comprehensive, linking with Emergency Operations Plan.

  • SHORT REPORTS from CAC Committees 

Karl Parker read aloud a letter from Joan Moss (appended to these minutes) regarding Hoberg’s. He has an extensive report for a later part of the agenda.
Cindy Leonard reports that the Cobb Area Plan group is to meet next Wednesday – hoping to have Byron there from the county planning department.
Magdalena Valderrama reports that the Relief Monitoring Committee: defunct due to lack of participation. Local Cobb area 501c3 nonprofit Seigler Springs Community Redevelopment Association (SSCRA) is stepping in to help meet a Red Cross deadline of June 15 for the final distribution of remaining Client Assistance Cards to eligible Valley Fire survivors.
The Seigler Springs Community Redevelopment Association (SSCRA), has agreed with Team Lake County to concentrate its disaster recovery efforts to work with the American Red Cross in a final push to distribute Valley Fire relief funds during the last two weeks in May this year, 2017.
For more information, contact:
Email: sscra.valleyfirehelp@gmail.com
Phone: (707) 809-5505, Monday through Friday.
Please leave a message. Due to the large number of calls expected, someone will be sure to return your call in 24 hours, or the next business day.
Rob Brown said that the Cobb Area Plan Committee has yet to be appointed. The Council should not try to do any more discussion until the appointments are completed. He will send Bob Massarelli an inquiry to develop the timeline.

  • District 5 Supervisor re State Road Funding deadlines

Rob Brown:  Now that the rains are over county is taking inventory and working on private areas like Rainbow Bridge. For a sense of the timing:  county is just now getting the funding for damage during the 2014 winter rains.
Noted fixation by an individual on Hoberg’s: absolute utter nonsense that there’s an ongoing investigation–monitoring cleanup but there’s no criminal district attorney investigation. The case is being kept open to keep up the pressure on the cleanup.
Re tree removal requests from neighboring properties, county had assumed this was a widespread problem, but so far there have only been 3 requests. and only 2 were valid. Waiting now for Massarelli’s staff to come up with the process for abatement.
Q: How is the info getting to homeowners?
A: Lake Co news, when building permits applied for.
Q: There’s a lot of absentee owners — how they are going to loop with that info?
A: Just for homeowners to rebuild.
Q: Neighbor’s trees have fallen from the winds and now they’re kindling for the next fire if the fallen trees are not removed.
A: Maybe fire department can address. Note: Lakeport Fire Dept is still sending him notices on a property he long ago sold.
Q: Can the county issue an ordinance or call for homeowner’s associations to form and take care of this problem?
A: Don’t have the ability to enforce an ordinance. HOA has to be made ahead of time.
7. Greg Bertelli, Chief with CalFire re Tree Removal 
Greg Bertelli is also fire chief for South Lake Fire District. We contract with CalFire. Tree removal is not a new issue: has spent a long time long before Rocky and Valley Fires checking on things with Rob Brown, and has been worried for years.
Re vacant lots in Riviera and North Shore, fire department can inspect 100 ft from a structure, but only 30 ft from a property line. Any ordinance being proposed has to be realistic and attainable– can’t say we’re going to start clearing lots when there is no funding to follow up on that. Hand crews are down from 16 men per crew to 12.  Prisoner population has been decreasing so there are fewer workers for the crews.
Rob Brown: Property fee for fire service is $130/yr, and changes from year to year, paid to Board of Equalization. The way the county gets a share of that money is through grants applications. Years ago, supervisors would go to homeowner meetings and hear the concerns and go after the money. Now, there are so many hazards, the problem is how to prioritize the need? Long-standing drought in the last 5 years, and we had to stop managing the mountain top and distant areas in favor of doing what is needed for people to get out when needed. #1 priority is lives and safety. Had to change priorities. No. Cal HQ funds are shared among 6 counties. We need to fight for the money and be flexible with priorities, especially with fire season.
Q: Can we sit down with them and say hey, look we didn’t get our grants, we were too busy with recovery, can we get something to help with neighborhood issues?
A: The hand crews working on RSA projects now are using money from a grant  agreement that was completed 2 years ago. We have to finish what we have now, and then we can then apply for the next grant. We’re aware of Bottle Rock North, etc., this is all in the hopper. I’m responsible for all of Lake County, I look at the map and do a work around as the fire chief keeps the bigger picture.
Q: We have some amazing grant writers here. Are you applying for the larger grants, looking specifically not just at chipping but also weed abatement?
A: The two councils in the county help each other on grant-writing. Linda Juntunen has done so much work but if there’s more grant numbers, please come to the So. Lake Co Fire Council and Lake Co. Council meetings so we’re working in conjunction.
Q: When I retired in 2007, fire prevention fee was $115/yr, When the Valley Fire came, I don’t know how many parcels, but 1200 acres burned. That equals 100s of thousands of dollars. What percentage of those fees goes anywhere?
A: It all goes in a big pot in Sacramento. Linda has been working for years for money to open up roads, other priorities. Cleaning up someone’s backyard is less priority than thoroughfares.
Q: There’s a portion that goes to special projects that’s determined by Calfire at state level. Maybe that’s another route to bring in funding.
A: So much is being organized. Council is a huge step in the right direction. If you have grant writers, then come forward and help us write the next priorities and come up with a game plan. I have to tie in the county fire plan and the local so as to move them in the same direction.
Q: Whose rule is it that you can’t apply for another grant if we haven’t spent the first one?
A: If you can’t finish in a year and a half it is a bad mark on your application.
Q: This is a special circumstance, and we have a grant writing force.
A: But I’m already busy and can’t use the money now. Need to make sure the funding is finished first so that funding and labor are ready at the same time. For example, HCD says finish Clearlake Oaks first, although it is farthest from the Valley Fire area, your credibility in the application goes away.
Q: Isn’t there a difference between capital structure and emergency?
A: It’s not always in their control. If the hazards are on private property you have to get permission from every single owner. We’ve met CEQA requirements and jumped through the hoops, and I still get owners saying they prefer the natural vegetation, all the time. Next fire council meeting: 1pm Thu June 8 at Umpqua Bank in Lakeport. Please come. Linda is ready to retire.
Q: What about SRA funds available to smaller nonprofits? Try two different directions at one time — map it out, bring in the funding for multiple projects so we don’t have to stop with “we can’t apply until project 1 is done”.
A: That works only if we have the machines ready. The question is always whether a grant is realistic and attainable when we don’t have everything in place at the same time.
Winter fuel crews in Lake County had more staffing levels than ever before. Got trees down and new ones planted, debris burnt. Another crew worked on the Riviera. Have drought augmentation engines cut and burn–this is all they do. Different types of inspectors target different areas of fire prevention. LE100s come to your home, check what’s the access like, clearance around your home, whether the gutters cleaned. DSI (defensible space inspectors) have a weekly quota also. Then there’s neighbor wars that end up making us go through the whole street instead of a specific parcel with a real problem. Tries to educate owners, but summer residents make it difficult. At the third level, a citation is issued. Takes money out of people’s pockets–we don’t want to be the bad guy, but if it makes a difference then we have to go there.
Q: Have a lovely neighbor, old, not coming back. Put in an application, got 6 down, but not the 2 big ones. She called again, they fixed, and now our pool is full of debris and pits everywhere. She has insurance but she needs a letter to tell her to come. She’s never been here once since the fire.
A: You have a good relationship, please talk with her.
Q: It’s not my responsibility. All I want is a letter from the fire department and I will mail it to her.
A: LE100 is a nice form. However, they can’t cover all of Cobb. If the inspectors don’t reach there, let’s see if we can make something work. Cobb Area Council could come up with a form letter addressed to every parcel owner.
Every firefighter is doing inspections. There are 4-5 groups and fire prevention personnel are covering 4 or 6 counties.
Q: Isn’t this a county issue?
A: At recent council meetings, we said the county had $40K for the Riviera just for that purpose (tree removal), but there were 1,000 lots=$600K. Assemblywoman Aguiar-Curry is trying to push minimum wages up, so that means it would take 5K to remove one tree. Don’t want to threaten homeowners. People are reluctant to call their neighbor. But you need to be the one to call first. If county sends a letter, people use that letter as a threat, to insist that “the county had sent a letter.” People who get certified letters won’t care. This letter needs to let people know the facts, wildfire could happen again, trees will become kindling to your neighbors at next fire season.

  • Letter should be legally correct and have consultation with fire department just saying that your neighbors are putting you on notice.
  • If people were aware there was an issue, they might act. A letter from the county gives credibility.
  • AMENDMENT: Start with informational letter from the Cobb Area Council to the effect that “here’s what we’re learning from the fire department; neighbors see the hazard.” Second wave of letter would be from the Fire Council to all the addresses.

AMENDMENT ACCEPTED: Glenneth accepted the amendment.

  • AMENDMENT: Council Representative Jessica Pyska had emailed everyone a letter about a program that would include a letter + digital promotion. Pyska wants to put it together and add it to this notification campaign. The digital campaign won’t be directed at one person, just gives all the information and lets people know they need to think about their properties.

AMENDMENT ACCEPTED: Glenneth accepted the amendment.
The Cobb Area Council should outline a program for notification that includes a letter to be sent by mail and via digital promotion, taking into account the above concerns, and the draft should be presented for everyone’s review at the next meeting.
VOTE CALLED: All ayes, motion carried forward without opposition.
Q: Does CalFire have educational videos that we can link to our council website?
A Go to Readysetgo.org .
ACTION: Post CalFire links on website; and also let folks know via council email.
Q: Why can’t we have more people working on fire prevention?
A; In a word, millenials– the 20yr olds prefer sitting around getting their meals and doing prison time instead of the conservation work. Sometimes I have to hold back a crew because there’s only 10 people available; safety is also an issue especially during actual firefighting.
Q: Why were inmates let go?
A: New State regulation meant we had to release the minimum security inmates.
Q: What about Loch Lomond, left-hand side, is that an area of priority?
A: Have worked it on and off. After you clear one area, you have to keep going back–after the other priorities have gone through.
Q: If our taxes are about collective action for greater good, then why not hire more people?
A: Please come to the fire council meeting and help us write the grants.
Q: Are there any programs where they use high school seniors?
A: We’ve looked into this. Liability is the issue. What works best is common sense and helping your neighbor. Attitudes kill.
Q: Thoughts on fire danger this year?
A: Since 2012, we’ve had to weave and dodge on this question. It’s a good thing that current brush and timer models have moisture in them. However, the amount of grass is also higher, and will carry fire and fatalities because grass moves 11x quicker than timber fire. Big concern. Our county is fire-prone. Hopefully brush won’t burn for another 2 mos., and fire window will shorten. Pine needles are dry now and need to be handled.

  • HOBERGS RESORT PLANS – with Hobergs representative Scott Schellinger

Karl: It is in the greater interest for the community for Hoberg’s to be cleared and cleaned in a positive way. To that end, we’ve tried to build a good bridge of communication with Borad of Supervisors, our own supervisor, the resort’s executives. Have been meeting since August. Here’s Scott Schellinger — grew up in Lake Co., Nov 2000 began working at Schellinger Brothers. Founded CSW land solutions LLC, working on entitlements, including agriculture, CEQA and other complex issues. Used to work on feature films etc. in Hollywood. Since Jan 2016, became land use consultant for the Hoberg’s Historical Society.
Cleanup process: asbestos has been cleared (licensed contractor needed = 500 cu yds trucked out; completed; turned out to be x<1%)
Ongoing: non-detect debris; 1200 cords of wood removed; estimated completion is September
Approval on land use going forward:

  • Plan to do public outreach meetings, i.e., design charettes with the community to avoid public comment at the end advocating major changes
  • Applications get filed; work with county planning
  • Environmental Review
  • Public Hearing Process with boards, commissions, etc.
  • What could end up on the site
    • Hotel component
    • Bar/restaurant/gathering (wedding ,convention)
    • Resort living (townhouses + for sale single family
    • Apartment housing
  • Design philosophy/what we’re thinking of doing preliminarily
    • Low impact — be sensitive to the natural environment; sustainable, place-appropriate
    • Location–you won’t be able to see it from the road looking down nor from downhill looking up to see some ridge top building
    • Minimal, blends into the environment and the landscape

Q: What’s in it for the community? Housing–does it include affordable, senior?
A: Affordable by design, no deed restriction contemplated. We want a price point commensurate with the area. 40 units, not big enough for stores. Offering of buildable lots. Qualified uh-huh on planned development, this is a conceptual design still–there will be a design standard, roads built, but no master plan to build out each of the homes yet.
Q: What about community memberships, like in Konocti?
A: We can discuss with Historical Association, i.e,. the owners, as this has never been discussed.
Q: What do you do for septic for all this?
A: I do work with a lot of wineries. They have to handle waste on their own site. Very efficient sites now and irrigating with this tertially created water.
Q: What about a homeowners association.
A: Yes, there will be HOA and they can use the sewage plant on site.
Q: We need hospitality. How big is the planned hotel?
A: 45 rooms in mind; depends on a lot of factors; 50+ gets more complex. 25 seems to be the manageable level based on previous owner.
Q: Apartments?
A: Month-to-month rentals.
Q: Where does the funding come from, since you are nonprofit?
A: Regular, as with any development, based on ROI. Owner’s apartment is a nonprofit–not uncommon.
Q: Pool?
A: Yes (points to map).
Q: We live below the slope. Hoberg’s held a weekend concert series, drove everyone crazy; couldn’t hear, couldn’t park. Any resort should not aurally impact negatively. Even a resort and pool leads to outdoor entertainment.
A: Not planning a large concert. There’s a standard–agree to hours of operation for example, that is mitigated through permit process with the county.
Q: Evergreen location, we feel the same as the plan.
Q: Where is the treatment plan? Are you aware there is water district and well?
A: Completely self-contained units. Not a septic system in the old sense. Clean water comes out the other side.
Q: Single family homes limited to residents? or allow investors? Will you manage investor properties a la West Virginia?
A: You can’t limit who buys what, per California law. Resort living component  size might be halved by hotel as we build. How do you effectively regulate airbnb–lots of communities are dealing with this. I don’t know how that is turning out specifically. I definitely want to control the resort site but how, gets complicated.
Q: Financial backing requires presentation of data on use, etc. What research do you have to back your expectations? How do you know this will stay afloat when we have business trouble locally, and neighbors not returning?
A:  As someone who has a weekend home here, I’m here more often than not. Other people are coming to that also. I’m not the financial analyst; mine is a more fundamental analyst. I do think the place has an intrinsic value. I’m not at liberty to discuss ownership. There’s a historical association with a board of directors that is the owner. I’m governed by code of ethics.
Q: What is the draw?
A: Golf course down the street, wineries i.e., emerging wine industry.
Q: Are you going to separate out planned development or fee simple?
A: Lots to be managed through HOA. Will ask for planned development zoning so they can write specific standards for the houses to be built, because we want the guidelines to be less permissive so we can preserve value. The rest will be governed by design restrictions and CC&Rs.
Q: Have you done preliminary design review committee?
A: Would start submitting in September, coinciding with our cleanup completion.

Q: How many rooms?
A: This is still a very preliminary look, so still general, at 125 occupancy.
Q: Will you invite council input?
A: Yes.
Q: Good to have a vision that is beyond what I had. Who would do this?
A: The bulk of the cleanup has been funded by the owners. It’s not going to be next fall people can move in. Owners want to build positive. They wouldn’t have started on the cleanup without that possibility of vision.
Q: Will they sell off the lots first, and have the money, then you adios and not finish the rest of the development?
A: It doesn’t work financially if you don’t do the whole project. There’s already a lot of cost sunk into the project. My impression is they need the whole thing to work. Owners are very committed.
Q: Phases?
A: Don’t have a block land plan. So we can’t say yet what phases will happen when. Presumes the earth-moving will happen at the same time. Same thing with hotel- because that’s what you always want done immediately. Apartment early also, because you can rent immediately. For Sale component will travel at the pace of sales.
Q: Water source?
A: Cobb Water Co.
Adjourned: 7:52 pm
Letter from Joan Moss
To the voting members of the Cobb Area Council May 17, 2017
And the members of the Board of Directors
I wish to go on record supporting the efforts of the council in rebuilding and networking with our community. However, I differ from the philosophy of the Hoberg Abatement Committee Chairman Karl Parker in that I want to remain aware and learn all aspects and  facts about the past in order to make informed and realistic decisions about the present and the future. 
There is an ongoing and open investigation by the District Attorney and the expert environmental District Attorney Rachel Monten from the California District Attorneys Association regarding Hobergs abatement activities. 
There are two very important articles by Glenda Anderson from the Press Democrat that I believe the public needs to read and be aware of. Each one of us needs to make our contribution as part of the whole. 
Thank-you for allowing me to give my input. Joan Moss, 279-1650