Thursday October 15, 2020 a
Draft Meeting Minutes
Roll Call: Cindy Leonard Secretary here, Cathy McCarthy Chair here, Frank Lincoln Treasurer not here, Jessica Pyska Vice Chair here, Jake Strickler here, Chris Nettles here
Approval of Agenda moved to approve: Cindy motions, Chris seconds. None opposed
Minutes of September 17: moved to approve: Eliot, Jessica seconds. None opposed
Short Announcements:
Kelly Stucky Lion’s Club: final stages of PGE as a Community Resource Center.  They are doing a take and bake lasagne sale on October 30, they are also doing the dessert of the month club.  Sign up ahead.
Lion’s Club will also be doing a drive-through Halloween celebration for local kids.
Cindy announced that NCO CERT online.  Public encouraged to sign up soon to do the online training part.  The funding ends in December. You can sign up
Jessica says that she met with Ben Murphy at the bridge by Hardesters.  It will expand the bridge 25 feet towards the golf course.  The trees will be removed and there will be 8 ft shoulders on each side. The fourth tee will be taken out.  This will be significant changes to our community.  The CAC needs to stay focused on this project.  We want to make sure there is community input on the project. Eliot is going to call CalTrans.
Paul Duncan’s report:  Glass Fire update: approaching 99% containment. There are still a few little hot spots popping up.
August complex is over a million acres and there is still activity on the West side.
Measure O on the ballot will raise the appropriation limit on the existing funding.  It does not create any new taxes.
Treasurer’s Report– Frank not here, so Cindy announces:
Cobb Area Council General fund: $1,656.36
Blackberry Cobbler Festival $3,316.53
Cobb Resilient: $1,456.28
Cobb Safe: $851.23
Economic Development (from Calpine): $1,300
Rebuild NorthBay (for Hub office): $607.42
Science Camp 0
T-Shirt Fundraiser: $4,503.89
Wilder than Wild: $161.31
AHEAD Grant: $126,135.24
Cindy asks for approval for the CAC to pay for the Lake COAD website and then the Lake County Risk Reduction Authority will reimburse the CAC.  The website will be a source for all the organizations in Lake County that are active in disaster to be organized. All approve
Committee Reports:
Firewise Communities: Magdelena, Cindy, Glenneth,
Magdalena: there are 3 Firewise communities starting to form. One is Dottie Bates Salmina Meadows , and one Gene Yoon on Harrington Flat.  The third one is Gail Barrett behind Cobb Fire Station. The CWPP is being discussed at the Risk Reduction Authority and there is big movement finally happening. The Regional Fire Protection Plan will be the implementation plan for the CWPP.  This is a huge and important project because we haven’t had that before.
Glenneth announces the Jones Creek Crossing drive through Firewise neighborhood will be this Saturday from 10:00-1:00 at the old Starview Lodge.
Resource Hub Rack card is done and has been distributed to Timothy Toye real estate agent and will be given to other Real Estate offices.  Packets of information will be give to the new homeowners on Cobb
Cindy states website is being created for Fire Safe Lake, Firewise Communities and will include CERT.  This will be funded by the NCO EPIC/Listos grant.  Should be up by the end of October
Communications Committee– Cathy says they continue to meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 for the check in
Economic Development Committee:
AHEAD Grant Update- Eliot
Current Balance $126,135.24
Most exciting and active part right now is the marketing campaign
SSCRA is developing the interviews for the strategy, which will combine with the activities of CDS.
Today we got our first report from our CPA.
Collaborative Marketing Initiative- Jessica.
-great progress on the logo and website!  Karen has taken a lot of photos.  She still has a few other sites to go.
Reviewal of the new logo designs.  Everyone is enthusiastic.  Raoul will assist in refining the logo.
Abby Leutholdt is assisting with the updates on the Cobb entries in the Destinations Magazine.  All the updates are due tomorrow.
Sasha, Harmony Air – Battery Back Ups
The batteries help us to deal with the fires and resulting fire outages.  It will keep the fridge going and the basics.  Lately there is more and more demand for batteries for power outages because people realize they are better than generators.
Two benefits: economic benefit and also dependability.
The battery back-up system does not require solar systems.  On average the battery back up costs about the same as generator. There are federal tax rebates and California tax rebates. There is no cost to run the battery (contrasting a generator that needs fuel to be purchased). Also, there is no maintenance like a generator needs.
The battery is more dependable because a generator is actually an engine that can fail. There are many options for the batteries because it is such a growing industry.
You do not need to wait for a power outage to use the battery.  You can program them to come on during the expensive time of the day to save money on your electric bill. The battery is charged from the grid during the low rate part of day and then you use the battery at the expensive rate of the day.  It also helps PGE to alleviate the strain on the grid in peak use hours.
Modern batteries are designed to last a long time, about 15-20 years.
Modern batteries are much safer than generators. They are also much quieter than a generator.
Jessica states that if you live in a tier 2 area and have experienced 2 PSPSs there are rebates.  There are also full rebates if you are a low-income person with medical equipment that needs electricity.
There is a wide range of options available from $3,500 up-front cost to over $60,000.
Sasha is at 707-239-9288
Look up SGIP on the PGE website to find out about the discounts.
Update: response to letter to OES. Cathy heard back about her letter to the OES about people not hearing the siren.
They are looking to plan a longer test of the siren test in December or January.  The next regular test will be on the first Monday of the month, so it will be on November 2.  They never test during an active fire. You might not hear the siren, it is just one additional way to alert people.
Cobbite of the Year Proposal: Cathy has an idea to recognize amazing community members in Cobb.  She proposes that we have a committee to review nominations.  Jessica motions that we start “Cobb mtn. Diamonds” award.  All agree, motion carries.
Date of Next Meeting: November 19, 2020
Move to adjourn at: 8:05, Eliot motions, Jessica seconds. adjourned.
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