Thursday December 21, 2023 at 6:30pm

In-Person and Online Participation Available


MINUTES (Approved 2-15-2024)


CALL TO ORDER at 6:40pm


Present: Cathy McCarthy, Chris Nettles, Darlene Warner, Joe Schneider, Mel McMurrin

Absent: Jake Strickler


APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Chris, 2nd by Eliot. All in favor. Agenda approved as Amended.

Amendment(s): Amend to include Supervisor’s Report, Alternate’s term ends 12/31/24


APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Mel, 2nd by Chris. All in favor. Minutes approved as Amended.

Amendment(s): correct the spelling of Magdalena’s name and email address. Correct the spelling of David Dolezal’s name. Mountain Of Ascension should be Mountain Of Attention.



Robert – Lion’s Club is having a Campfire event with singing, 2 firepits on January 20th either 6-9pm or 7-10pm.

There is food leftover from food giveaway, please take some. The rain total from recent storm was 10.54 inches, and 20.82 for the season.

Paul – there will be clearing/prescribed burns by the elementary school and Boggs Forest



Magdalena – Giant Steps is having a Holiday tree lighting ceremony and lights contest on January 22nd at the Mountain Meadow venue, 5pm; winners will be announced December 27th. County of Lake survey due January 31st.

[Added Item]


Last month we found out from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Resources (OPR) that we became the 6th pilot biomass project. We will be working with OPR and 5 other pilot programs in the State, and as a Region developing a biomass strategy – we’ll be looking at industries that can thrive here. Has been working on this for the last couple of years and took the Director on a dead trees tour in October. We basically have no biomass infrastructure (i.e. no sawmills). We’ll be doing an asset analysis and developing the strategy on what types of businesses can come here and market to these businesses, then develop sites all around the County. This will be a 3-year program, and will be working with the Governor’s Office to get all necessary paperwork together within the next couple months. Hopefully we can kick this off in April 2024. The next round of funding would be seed money to implement and then work on sustainable funding for all the programs. This is non-competitive, we’re already in the program, we just need to get the paperwork in.

Cobb Park – close to land acquisition. Should be coming to the BOS in February 2024. The notification period should start very soon. Initial design concepts will be presented by Lars and staff with CAC as early as late January or February. Thanked CAC board members.



  • Nominations and Elections of New Board Members to serve the two-year term (1/2024 through end of 12/2025).

Cathy, Darlene, and Joe’s terms are expiring. Alternate expires at the end of each year. Nominations were accepted. Chris suggested we vote by Slate rather than individually. The slate was as follows: Cathy McCarthy, Darlene Warner, and Joe Schneider for reelection to two-year terms, Mel McMurrin for a one-year term as Alternate. Motion by Eliot, 2nd by Laurie Lincoln. All in favor, none opposed. Cathy, Darlene, Joe and Mel were reelected. Jessica noted that all Board Applications must be submitted to the County before the January 9th BOS meeting to be appointed before the next CAC meeting.

  • Nominations and Elections of New Alternate to serve the one-year term (1/2024 through end 12/2025).

Mel McMurrin was nominated and reelected for a one-year term as Alternate (see above).


For submission to the Cobb Area Council: Recommendations from the Cobb Watershed Education and Restoration Program

Eliot presented a document to CAC with recommendations outlined and read aloud in its entirety by Eliot.

Recommendations document received by CAC.


Cobbite of the Year – Committee presents its selections

Individual: Kelly Fletcher was presented with the Cobbite of the Year award

Business:  Mountain High Coffee and Books was announced as Cobbite of the Year


Next Meeting: January 18, 2024

ADJOURNED at 7:26pm


Respectfully submitted,

Darlene Warner, Secretary


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